
uses the micro four-thirds lens format all other mirrorless cameras use

You forgot Fujifilm. X-T2 is an amazing mirrorless camera that can shoot 4k video. Comes with amazing selections of lens. I will choose Fujifilm over Sony and Olympus anytime.

They used the space for the new camera and larger battery

Yes. Not only that, he’s a real hero.

What are you talking about? He’s a real human being.

Agreed. And 2nd hand XE1’s are really cheap now. I never sold my 18-55 (when I upgraded to Nikon FF) - think I might get one.

Dude you know your username should be ‘tenfingerstentoesonenut’

No it is a problem with bitcoin itself, you just have to scale it up. Let's say that instead of $10,000 out of your bank, someone broke into Chase's website and stole $10,000,000 out of thousands of accounts and sent it to an offshore account. That's real money, literally. Chase can't wire transfer that amount, they

"you won't be entitled to refunds,"

That is the ultimate problem with bitcoin. With real money, in banks and things like that, there are protections against losses. If your credit card is stolen and the thief charges a $1000's worth of gas for themselves, you aren't liable for that purchase. You don't have to pay it.

If someone can tell me a way to buy bitcoin that does not involve the following.

Sounds like you can get on the job training for about $1,500.