
If you want a new iPhone at its release date, then yes, you have to order when it becomes available, or else you wait.

1) Your friend is an asshole
2) We’ve been holding out for a while, she’s currently using a old 5S because her 6S got water damaged and it seemed not worth it with the new phone coming out soon. We wanted to be sure to get the X as soon as possible because it’s now been a few months with her 5S and it’s getting pretty

Wife and I woke up to order, one phone got in for Nov 3rd, the other for Nov 17th. Wasn’t that hard, the reason the other phone order got in for the later date was that we realized Apple Pay on one of our devices didn’t have an updated CC so we had to spend a couple minutes fixing that before putting the order in. Not

Somethingawful also elegantly mitigated the issue with a combination of strict moderation and membership sign up fees. Get banned and want to rejoin? No problem, that’s another $10. There’s a whole lot of self-moderation that takes place as soon as even a nominal amount of money is involved.

I’m confused by people who post comments like this. Do you seriously think this company is going to produce and release a car with this feature and not think of this scenario? Like you seriously think they might just let everyone grenade their transmissions all over the highway at the press of a button?

I bought a Mercedes 190E from a place across the street from three strip clubs. When I went inside at 2 in the afternoon the owner was sleeping behind the desk with his pants off next to a half empty bottle of whiskey. Let me tell you, THOSE are big red flags.

You do know that a primary component to Tesla’s ‘Ludicrous Speed’ enhancement is not code but an expensive “smart-fuse”?

Floyd would probably spot a confused 90 year old in a wheelchair two rounds to size them up. Connors ass is deemed kicked in the basis that he was unable to threaten Mayweather in any way at all, and was within thirty seconds or so of having a lot of serious injury dealt to him by a man 11 years his senior, who was

Mike Trout hit better in Class A ball at the ripe old age of 17 than Judge did when he was 22. Mike Trout’s slump wasn’t worrying because he at that point had hit better against MLB pitching, for several years, than Aaron Judge has against Minor League pitching, also while he was younger. That comparison is pretty

I’m not saying it can’t happen, I’m just saying in all likelihood. That’s all we can really do.

You are forgetting the sample size of his minor league career, which is quite useful in determining his likely trajectory as a Major Leaguer. In 1500 PA, he hit .278/.373/.473 between A/A+/AA, and AAA. By contrast, Adam Dunn hit .304/.425/.525 in also ~1500 PA, and did so at a younger age than Judge. I understand that

You are forgetting Judge’s minor league stats, which don’t indicate that he’ll be anything but Adam Dunn with a slightly worse walk-tool. There is nothing in Aaron Judge’s entire recorded baseball career other than a hot two months that indicate he’ll be anything other than a solid power hitter with contact issues.

Very relevant to this discussion: Satoshi Nakamoto’s name is an anagram for “So a man took a shit”.

Dude its standard journalistic practice. You write an article about someone/something, especially one that is critical? You ask them to comment and give them a chance to respond. Sure they probably won’t say anything but it’s the way this works. Calm down geez.

So a man took a shit

You realize you are saying “isn’t it great that you can go back to a time where you literally had to store all of your wealth under your mattress and just hope someone didn’t come take it/your house burned down/rats ate it/etc”?

One again, I am compelled to remind all that Satoshi Nakamoto’s name is an anagram for ‘So a man took a shit’.

Definitely an insane run, but remember, this is the same guy who jumped out of an airplane wearing no parachute, to get caught halfway down in mid air by someone else and hook up as a tandem in mid air. I honestly don’t think he’d be afraid of anything.

Rented a car for a roadtrip through Scotland and England a while back. After picking up the rental at 7am, supremely jet lagged, I started driving off toward our hotel. My wife kept yelling “you’re going to hit the damn curb, for the love of god”. Of course I wasn’t going to hit the curb. Mercifully, when I did hit

I would be much happier if they released an updated version of The Manual