Ten Earth Imps

Yeah, that’s a good question.

So GoDaddy was totally cool with DailyStormer up until now?

I don’t buy the fear argument at all. You don’t have to denounce a person to avoid working with them.


Gendry was last seen escaping Stannis Baratheon and the Red Witch via rowboat with the help of Davos Seaworthy.

I think Bran is just kind of sorting through information. He has all the data, it just isn’t organized. Some things like touching Catspaw seem to trigger certain memories. Seeing Arya at the crossroads may be on top since it happened recently.

And yet, people completely ignore that what Dany is doing is logically sound.

It was something my spouse caught pretty quickly. Dany is trying to get cersei’s people to turn on her and support Dany as queen. She couldn’t use the dragon to attack king’s landing because innocent civilians would die, but as my spouse pointed out “no one is innocent on the field of battle.” Dany attacked a military

Yeah, I mentioned it elsewhere, but I still can’t get over THAT reunion:

TV scale at work I think. I took it as that was the food they seized from highgarden and surrounding areas. What dany did was royally screw Cerisei: She got the gold, but dany destroyed all the food. A city runs more on food then gold.

Yep, it started out with “plot device for getting the Golden Company to fight against Daenarys and then dramatically switch sides has safely made it into King’s Landing.”

Okay, but where is Gendry?

I’m here for ALL of it. My phone is put away for once and no one is allowed to bother me. “Chaos is a ladder.”

I think it’s because a lot of fans don’t pay attention for the dialogue and then get angry when they don’t understand the show as though it’s the show’s fault.

Yep. Jaime was looking at the last bit of wheat in Westeros, Tyrion too. I don’t why Daenerys didn’t just order her dragon a few feet left where the Lannister line was, they’re going to miss that food...

the Iron Bank guy would not commit their support of Cersei’s war until their repayment made it to the Iron Bank, which as we know from the epic end scene, it did NOT.

Well, she did say, “Ellaria is dead” which is 1000% untrue so perhaps not

AND WHY HASN’T ED SENT A RAVEN ABOUT BRAN. This kinda thing just bugs me so much. Why have Bran show up in Episode 1 if Jon and Sansa don’t get to hear about him until Episode 3 or 4? He’s got so much information about Uncle Hotface-Coldhands (neé Benjen), Cousin Jon Targaryn and the Night King (who seems to do an

Okay so why are they a thing, though? Are college students prevented from volunteer work otherwise? I don’t find it helpful to pander to self-aggrandizing delusion. Why not organize a charity group in a regular dorm? What about swanky Back Bay victorians and thousands in membership dues informs the charitable part?