Ten Earth Imps

“We didn't exclude you! We just told everyone who has a penis that we were getting together. You could have totally come! No one said you couldn't."

“We didn’t mean to exclude you, we just happened to get together, oh and while we hung out we made a bunch of decisions, here they are.” Like we don’t get exactly what happened and that it was very intentional, especially in smaller groups.

True. I’m one of the only women in my field, and all the pre-meeting and lunch chatter is about either sports or hunting (SO BORING) so I usually show up just as meetings are starting and if it’s an all day meeting, I’ll go run errands and eat on my own during the break. But one all-day, highly contentious meeting was

They forgot to photoshop in Black people.  

Two things really astonished me here. First, based on everything I’ve read, the two women were there that weekend as well. Yet the three people missing from the picture were Jeff Bezos, who did not want to be in the picture, and the two women. Like how did that even happen? How were they just missing the two women in

You see, ladies, there’s the fake meeting/conference and the real meeting/conference.

They’re nerds. I am sure this isn’t the first time they’ve Photoshopped a woman into a picture with them.

It seems I’m one of the only people who still likes this show now, because apparently the idea that a show whose only long-running theme that rulership by birth is destructive at best and when led by ill rulers is horrifying in totality, ending with yet another ill-ruler with a longstanding history of

With the exception of a White Walker and a dragon holding the head of a direwolf, I don’t think that exactly spells curtains for House Stark. The hanged wolf with the lion looking on is definitely the Red Wedding. The first one is a bit more ominous.

I’m not sure about blowing up Winterfell, but I did notice that the frieze in the opening credits which previously depicted Robert’s Rebellion —a dragon being slain by a stag, lion, and wolf, then later all the animals/sigils bowing to a crowned stag now shows a dragon flanking a White Walker who is holding the

I was bummed Jon didn’t say, “Hey, I already know how to ride a dragon.”

Okay but WHEN has this show ever shown or implied elephants? Cersei’s wishful thinking is a laugh, but mostly I was thinking, “WHAT ELEPHANTS? WHEN HAVE THERE EVER BEEN ELEPHANTS?”. Book people, any insights? 

I thought I saw Brienne in the Winterfell group meeting scene, when Lady Mormont called out Jon? Maybe it was in the recap instead.

This seemed a little bit suspicious to me too. Why all the outrage over the supposed lack of importance? No one finds it at all irritating that a male-owned business is marketing itself as being spearheaded by women when its mostly just him?

All my tattoos are by women, for a number of the reasons listed above. I’ve looked for women-owned shops in my city and there are quite a few, but most are one or two artist spots, as opposed to the bigger studios. As people get more aware of the opportunities around creating spaces for women and non-binary people I

Well I thought the article was interesting. 

Thank you for this. I understand the legal issues involved, but it’s a shame the piece wasn’t able to comment on the sexual harassment of female artists that occurred in the shop. Harassment by friends of Robert Boyle. When the female artists complained about it, and asked the offenders to leave, Boyle went after them

Best reminder of how young Anita Hill was when she went through that. I’m old now but remember how she was treated, remember the Clarence Thomas “this is a lynching!” combativeness (cut to 2018 Kavanaugh - same strategy their PR coaches teach them), and the tut-tutting from all the boys in the boys club.

Yes all men. On one hand we got, an old white guy who thinks he’s allowed to grab a woman and kiss her, but it isn’t a big deal because he’s just a friendly guy, and the internet loves him so it’s okay. On the other hand we’ve got the old white guy who thinks he’s allowed to grab a woman and kiss her, and then brag

What she said is exactly what I said when I read his response. Of course he doesn't remember. He does this all the time. We've seen him do it ourselves on many occasions on camera in public. This is what he does. It wouldn't be at all notable to him.