Ten Earth Imps

I would guess that Mueller won’t release any findings for at least another 6 months. A good thorough investigation takes time. Even if they can nail Jared within a month, they have to keep digging to the bottom before they’re done.

We are already there. I’ve seen two people in the past week digging through trash looking for food. Not a sight I’m used to seeing in the suburbs.

Why aren’t the NRA folks rioting over this? A responsible gun owner did everything you’re supposed to do but was killed.

I do have to say that it does bother me that the standards for being on air network talent are apparently higher than being President of the United States. But that a problem with voters not network tv.

What a load of crap. The tape was years old by the time it leaked, right?

Nah, that dude was turned off because SHE HAD TO HELP HER BROTHER WITH SPECIAL NEEDS. He was not sex worthy and my god was that movie terrible.

Honestly, I’m getting a bit frustrated with how many retellings of Arthurian legend are just some variation on the “sword in the stone” bit.

Misandry isn’t actually a Thing, you know that right?

Pretty sure men can control toxic masculine behaviors by...not engaging in them.

A lot of people get confused by statistics about death, because they are often cited without specifying things like “death by injury” (murder, suicide, car accident) or “death by disease” (which includes heart disease, cancer, HIV) or “preventable death” (which can have some overlap with disease, like tobacco use,

why are you so upset about this? Post stats if you want and let’s have a discussion but I don’t see why you yourself are trying to get an emotional response based on this

thanks for cis-splaining trans issues.

Actually.. people tried to help Kitty Genovese. A man and his grown son ran downstairs with (IIRC) pipes, to drive her attacker away. But the attacker had already fled, and in the dark they couldn’t find her. (She had moved.) A woman let her into the building and actually held her as Kitty died. The “Myth of Kitty

There are only about a million of us based on moderate estimates. I wouldn’t say murder is the leading cause of death though. It looks like suicide is exponentially worse for trans people than murder. That said, 23 murders is a pretty big number for such a small population.

Sadly I think suicide is #1. But Murder is way too far up the fucking list. Murder should be way down list, next to killed by vending machine or rabbid possums.  :(

Historically, the LGB part of the LGBTQ community hasn’t been so nice to the T and other letters. Unfortunately, that infighting still exists today...so not so much just “ignorant”. There’s plenty of hate to go around. I mean, look at Milo Y and Caitlyn Jenner.

It just bugs me how people still buy into Whedon being such a feminist.

Really? Wow I never noticed. I always thought the audience was supposed to take Inara’s side there and be like “Mal you’re being an asshole. Stop that.” Although Black Widow’s arc in Age of Ultron was pretty misogynistic.

I was in college when I saw Firefly for the first time, and it’s honestly part of why I’ve never loved it that much—that, and I get sick of all the waif-fu from Summer Glau.

As someone who divorced a deeply troubled man, I stayed married for almost a year after we blew up while he took care of some shit, because both our therapists advised that it was too much for him to handle all at once. It sucked for me, but I had a lot more strength in me than he did... Add kids and celebrity to the