Ten Earth Imps

Have I been using different bathrooms than everyone else??

Hah. It’s always men making this argument and I’m like THERE’S NO URINAL IN THE WOMEN’S ROOM.

This is what confounds me. Have any of these people seen a women’s restroom? It has STALLS. I have never seen another person’s privates in a public women’s room - man or woman. What exactly do they envision to be happening in women’s restrooms??

No, he just talks about 14 year old girls being scared of a transgirl with a penis using the same bathroom.

Matthews kept calling him out on how it was a yes or no question and finally moved on to Mara. I’m not the biggest fan of Matthews, but I actually thought he did a great job calling him out on it.

He was asked, he didn’t answer. he deflected.

But I’ve been waiting at colleges to find out what is the deal with airline peanuts from Jerry? I mean. What. IS. The. Deal?

Yes. It was obviously an excuse because college audiences weren’t enjoying his moldy old jokes. His best work was written by Larry David and the other writers of his TV show. I’m a middle-aged man in the demographic most likely to appreciate his humor, and I wouldn’t choose to see his standup act over, say, the acts

Actually it’s because he hasn’t updated his material in years and rather then improve his jokes would rather just blame the audience for not getting it.

The difference is: being funny.

Spencer has actually advocated for “peaceful ethnic cleansing”.

Bill Maher has been a garbage person for two decades.

This is why I will never feel bad about anyone making fun of Baron Trump, and I hope no school in DC takes him and all the kids around him hate him. Until Trump cares about other people’s kids, I won’t give two shits about his.

I’m going to agree, but also go with giving credit where credit is due. She objected and that’s like a bazillion times more than I expected from her in the first place.

Breaking News: Trump is a Fucking Liar.

Wait and see! Wait and see! I’m sure he’s just pulling us backward for so we can all get a good run-up at equality!

And Ms. DeVos, faced with the choice of resigning or defying the president, has agreed to go along.

Please do not assume that I haven’t seen Dial M for Murder. I even saw a restored 3D print once (what a treat). The problem with using it in this post instead of A Perfect Murder is that Ray Milland never says, “THAT’S NOT HAPPINESS TO SEE ME, IS IT.”

Dusty Springfield was also gay, although apparently she was much more conflicted about it, saying at one point she would change her orientation if she could.