Ten Earth Imps

Calista Flockhart was the best part of the show. She’s really missed.

I’d want it more if it said that.

I already want Star Lord’s t-shirt. I don’t care if it says ‘Rim Jobs $20' in Mandalorian, I’m buying it.

DC execs are probably still the big villain.

I know Ares is a big Wondy villain but really Xena already had the best Ares ever so whats even the point of a pale imitation.

Okay but there is also a talking candle and a somewhat sexual talking duster and I think they are lowkey fucking so I don’t think they are going for realistic

But why do they all have British accents, if they’re supposed to be French?

HR isn’t for you - they’re there to protect the status quo of middle and upper management.

I used to work with Uber’s current head of HR. She is an atrocious human being. In addition to the fact that many women in STEM have similar stories, I have ZERO doubts that their HR VP is fully capable of letting this happen on her watch, even knowing about it and not caring. She’s the perfect HR VP for a company

I know it’s said almost every time, but it bares repeating. HR is not there to defend you, it’s there to defend the company. If you have grounds to do so like Susan did, catalog evidence and take it to a lawyer.

It’s so bad. She spells out the sexist manager’s logic in the full blog. Apparently he got a discount by buying the mens’ jackets in bulk, and from this fact he drew the conclusion that buying the jackets for the women would be unfair to the men because he would have to spend more money on the women then on the men,

as a lawyer who is usually on the defense side of employment discrimination suits, and who also thinks that sometimes people are just assholes and it’s not about gender/race/whatever: GIRL SUE THEM.

It’s even creepier than that. I’m sure Uber has some sort of HR policy on outside work communications being held through back channels that aren’t approved through HR. This HR flunkie, instead of looking into her complaints, was instead looking for violations that Fowler could be written up for.

The HR rep asked Fowler if she and the other female engineers were friends, and asked for details on how they communicated.

Thanks for excerpting the only part I needed to watch.

I would argue that all 3 of those women get called out/have gotten called out for their white privilege and racist comments all the time in a way that I don’t see Maher get called out by anyone. I would argue that it’s less a white liberal issue and more of a white liberal guy issue. It’s the same with Bernie, god

Bill Maher refuses to let anyone from BLM on his show but invites MY because he supports ‘free speech’. Bill Maher has been racist and sexist forever but no one blinks an eye or really cares cause he’s a ‘liberal’ white man.

Trans women do not have male privilege. That’s some ripe TERFism.

One from the vaults podcast by Morgan Page is a great podcast about north American trans history and does a good job of showcasing extraordinary trans people while normalizing trans ppl and culture. Listening to their stories, I hope you become as invested in trans civil rights as I have!

I’m much more scared of my children being shot in school than running into a terrorist. It’s basically like never going in the ocean because your afraid of shark attacks. They are experts at changing the subject I wish his voters weren’t so easily distracted.