Ten Earth Imps

Stephen Miller is more than a propagandist, he’s a zealot. His rhetoric scares me; Conway’s just annoyed me.

I so badly want this new DC nightmare to end, that I am willing to believe anything.

Ben we can agree. I don’t want you to be batman either.

Yes. He was trump’s ass-kisser from the early days, and I seriously doubt he would have gone rogue and made those calls without either direction or at least consent from the Big Orange. I think it only took this long to eject him because loyalty is more important than ethics and competence to this jack-o-lantern

This is the only thing I want to talk about today. The Truck Fucking urge is starting to percolate into all facets of society. Have you ever had sex in a truck? Let me tell you, it’s one of the least sexy vehicle options. We all know it only ranks slightly higher than a mini-van.

And sing that song from Grease 2. We’ll Do It For Our Country! The Red White and the Blue! It applies to both countries so it works.

I don’t like how she constantly posts photos of her dead boyfriend to get attention. Let him rest in peace, Lea, stop weekend-at-Bernie-ing Cory for your career.

... And this godforsaken buffoon was somehow preferable to a woman who had been in public service her entire life because ...emails.

Remember, Trump listens to the American people:

I disagree. People who dismiss her entirely due to her transphobia do so because she is arguing against trans folks’ existence and right to live in peace. People who dismiss her transphobia in favor of her other work do so by erasing the very real harm that she has cause to trans folks. These are not equal in their


Yep. She’s actively hurt trans women. Actively.

Indiana State Senator Jack E. Sandlin also shared the “fat women” meme. He claimed he didn’t post it and has no idea how it ended up on his page (riiiiight).

Don’t forget Indiana state senator Jack Sandlin and the unrepentant Rep. Jim Lucas.

Please, in the 40s we taxed corporations, put returning GIs to work on massive infrastructure projects, and developed the social safety net. Trump wants to take us back to the 20s and the age of the Robber Barons. Where we’re all working for pennies a week in the sweatshops.

Might wanna google some of the gross and transphobic shit she’s said and doubled down on.

Except for the whole transphobia thing. But that’s neither here nor there, I guess?

You do know she’s a TERF right?