Ten Earth Imps

“In the medical community”? My, my, this appeal to authority is so lazy! Just like the rest of your commentary. You’re just pulling stuff out of your ass, because you don’t have any real sources to cite. You know, from people who are doctors and scientists and stuff. Tell me, then, are you a medical doctor? A trained

It isn’t the normal government, it is extra judicial actions by the military tribunal. They play by their own rules, which are bad. Considering the convictions, I am actually surprised they didn’t execute her.

Something something “emotional Libertarian” something.

Yeah, let’s make fun of how this woman looks in the photo. Very classy.

Don’t you know that instead of fixing the environment that causes prisoners to commit suicide (like long periods of solitary) we should just LET THEM COMMIT SUICIDE. Instead of fixing the mental health system and how we help those in need, we should just let them kill themselves. Instead of creating a world that gets

Yeah and obviously those in charge of her care have made such an effort to minimize those risks.

It’s lazy to assume that every single type of mental illness is like every other, or to casually dismiss the stresses that she has been unnecessarily subject to during her incarceration. Try harder.

Condoning a prisoner you hate being pushed to suicide is the same moral laziness that allows this to happen to prisoners you don’t hate, right?

Yeah I’m sure the way they’ve treated her has nothing to do with that at all. You ain’t real good at cause and effect, are you?

Uh yeah you know that she had to sue them repeatedly for that stuff right? You’re talking out of your ass, and also encouraging someone to commit suicide, so I think you’re probably a worthless piece of shit.

Said it before and I’ll say it again: Manning deserves to be jailed. But not like this. This is torture. This is not right in any way.

Nice to see Huma has finally sworn off Weiner for good.

BLOOM: And if you need a refresher on post World War I Germany, they had an authoritarian political outsider stoking xenophobia in a nation where the poor felt marginalized, and blaming complex problems on scapegoated minorities!

Idk, man, but that is kind of scary to me. I’d be terrified of any future favors or strings attached to that “free” car.

She’s b-l-a-c-k.

I have British Siri, and she too won’t give a straight answer, continues to merely beat around the bush...

As a Minnesotan, I 100% support this. Fargo is the only major movie I can think of off the top of my head that takes place in MN. And The Mighty Ducks. So yes please, I would love to watch my state misrepresented on the screen for a while.

Yes please, and I say this as someone from the kinda almost overplayed San Francisco. Whenever I see a movie, show, comic book, book, video game, whatever, and I see it’s set in NYC/LA, it’s almost ruinous to my experience.