Ten Earth Imps

I thought this was a pretty cool story about Willie Nelson (PBUH) taking Charly Pride around in the 60's to play in redneck bars “Behind the Pine Curtain” in deeply segregated East Texas.

What galls me is that the Dixie Chicks were burned at the stake for saying that they are ashamed that GWB is from Texas, but Ted Nugent and others are calling for Obama and Hillary to be literally killed and that’s totally fine with the Dixie Chicks haters.

bruh Faith Hill and Miranda Lambert both looked like they were fucking. there. for. it. which solidifies the inkling i’ve always had that i’d like them if i met them in real life. (i am not a country fan so idgaf about their music, they just seem so tough).

also i’ve always loved Natalie Maines’ voice but i never

They all killed it, it was fantastic. I saw the Dixie Chicks live this year and they covered the song then too. You can tell it’s a favorite of theirs.

As an abuse survivor that had to run away to survive, I really appreciate the lyric “The bravest thing I ever did was run.” Leaving is incredibly scary and is sometimes harder (and more dangerous) than staying (abusers, whether it’s parent or partner, punish you for leaving). Abusers and their supporters (and they

Her heart is killing the Great Barrier Reef

She has a rare terminal condition related to overconsumption of zinc and will die soon?

and had brunch with from-her-wherever-marys

Nasty me, and a car full of nasty neighbor women, nastily voted early today. Then we came home and had brunch with from-her-wherever-marys.

This is important because so many people encourage kids to hug or kiss people they might not want to - whether it’s an adult or other kid. I mean. The intent is not bad, it’s cute or charming.

It was the same thing with Obama trying to close the Camp Delta prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The GOP (and some shit-head Democrats, to be fair) passed a bill blocking all prisoner transfers off the island, forcing it to remain open, then they would run campaign ads listing it as a “broken campaign promise” by

I’ll start worrying about Obama’s accountability, when the GOP starts worrying about all the times they stopped him from fixing stuff.

I can’t blame a fireman for not putting out a fire when the town wouldn’t buy him a firetruck. Which is basically the only explanatory analogy anyone needs for Benghazi, but for some

It’s the ultimate negg - - he got a damn tabloid involved to try and make her feel insecure!

I wrote something related in a different post, but isn’t this a fairly laughable attempt at PUA negging? Like, his entitled misogyny is gross and egregious and we shouldn’t make light of toxic masculinity, but given that he claims to idolize James Bond and Hugh Hefner, there’s something hilariously pathetic about how

Game is the right word for it. It’s a play right out of a pickup artist “Emotional abuse for dummies” manual.

“Later, he called and left me a message. ‘Can you believe this? Who would say this? I don’t want people to think this about you,’” she said. “He thought that I would try to go out with him...”

What killed her career is that she expressed her negative opinion about Knocked Up, which was seen as ungrateful by some people in the business. I think she cultivated a track record of expressing ungrateful opinions about writers and directors—top influencers in Hollywood. Although what really really may have killed

The description does make it sound more like Bob, but they are both by most accounts awful people and both work together at Weinstein Co. Does it really matter which one it was for the purpose of consumer and/or actor reactions? It’s the same place being avoided.

Well he should be grateful for the payoff he’s getting, whatever it is, because he’s also getting the blame for everything:

Well, what do you know: Billy Bush is officially out of a job at Today.