Ten Earth Imps


You should try it. The first season is very good and season 2-5 are just great television. Some of my favorite episodes are in season 1 and 2 and I will watch them specifically. I think Kill Me Now, the 3 episode of the series, really gives you some great insight into the show. It moves really quick but it’s not hard

But I want to encourage creativity in little Zilpha!

Controversial standpoint: Team None of the Above for BOTH Gilmores!!!

Tristan was a prepubescent Logan. Both of them were terrible (imho).


On the bright side they probably got accepted to medical school.

Can we bring back the name Zilpha?

my worst Miss U.

She’s incredible. Nobody tells me her work in Mask wasn’t amazing. Nobody who still has his head, anyway.

If ya like tall skinny ladies...very :)

Totally forgetting what a great, powerful voice Cher has. In the early “Wall of Sound” Spector hits, it’s Cher’s voice...as a kid! that puts the vocals over the top. And that’s before her career really started. If you’ve ever gotten the hair on your arms standing up over the Ronettes “Be My Baby”, it’s because of the

Do you recall walking through a dense fog? Because if you have, I’ve got news for you...

The problem of Wonder Woman has never been stated better (and no few great writers have tried) than those last two paragraphs.

Nah, D&H developed a grudging, mutually-respecful, bitchy-roommate-with-a-heart-of-gold relationship by the end of Azzerello’s run.

Pro-tip: That golden shower you took was actually Zeus

I don’t know, let’s ask this cow over here

Instead, she was a demigoddess born of a union between her mother and Zeus.

Doesn’t making her one of Zeus’s illegitimate children ruin her old catchphrase of “Great Hera!”
Shouldn't she kinda not like Hera anymore on account of her trying to regularly kill all of Zeus's offspring?