Ten Earth Imps

It doesn’t make it more true if you post it several times in the comments

Yeah, I think it’s incredibly important for musicians to take a stand against violence in the crowd.

Peer disapproval has actually shown to be a really effective tool against sexual/gendered violence, not so much because it makes rapists see the light as because it makes less serious misogynists more likely to intervene if they witness it. When rapists/gropers are more likely to get caught they are less likely to

I respect them speaking up even if everyone’s mocking it.

Didn’t Shonda Rhymes and all the TGIT leads film an I’m with Hillary commercial before it was cool to do so?

Hey man....don’t bring Common Core math into this.....

It’s about Jessie Williams spewing racist words against the police, who are now a race and not an occupation.

Well, that’s obviously not true and you’re just trying to make her look bad by pretending she thinks 1/36th is a degree of ancestry when obviously it would have to be 1/32th or 1/64th. You’re trying to say people of colour can’t count! You should be fired from all acting jobs immediately!

This is not about politics. This is about equal consequences for racist behavior. If this was an Asian, Mexican, Caucasian or whoever saying the same exact words as Jesse Williams did, I would be against it and petitioned them to be fired if they did not suffer the same consequences as others have suffered for their

Clearly, you will never understand the privilege you have. I am well aware as a white person the privilege I’ve been given. As a woman, daily I am slapped in the face of the inherent misogyny that will not be solved in my lifetime. Also, very lower class up bringing, but through hard work, debt, multiple jobs at once

More than 8, which is all she needs for gender equity in the cabinet.

There you are. Welcome bro, sorry you’re losing your undeserved privilege. Except not really.

There are 320 million people in this country. She’s going to be able to come up with a decent pool of candidates. Just simmer down over there.

Here’s the deal. When Sam Bee started her show they did a blind audition process for the writers and even sent out detailed info on how to submit a script for those who’ve never written for TV and guess what...the show is 50/50 women and men and 30 percent POC so it does work when you give everyone a chance. Justin

I think one of the reasons guys like that get so pucker-arsed about “equality hurts us!” is that they can’t stand the idea of actual equality. Like, nobody’s taking your pay away to hire more diverse candidates, asshole, relax! But they really can’t bear the notion that their race/gender no longer gives them that

...so when 43 out of the last 44 presidents were white men, we weren’t choosing based on race or gender?

I worked for a very large Silicon Valley company...you should have heard the outrage directed right at the CEO’s face when he announced a new diversity policy that would grant larger referral bonuses for diverse candidates. This guy whined, “That sends the message that you’re worth less because you’re male.” I'm like,

In general? Sure. But when actively fighting systemic gender bias that makes society more likely to see men as more competent/qualified than women even when they are demonstrably not? Not so much.

It was impressive how fast Elizabeth Warren went from “their one woman friend” to a total traitor. Now they’ve glommed onto Jill Stein to prove they aren’t sexist.

Cue the bros outraged that she’s hiring considering gender and not ‘the best person for the job’.