Ten Earth Imps

But what about LEO-on-LEO violence???

Thank you, I hadn’t thought of that.

Starred to bump up thread.

Yes, thank you. :)

Also— Go to your closest emergency room. Not everyone knows that you can go there for mental health crises, but you can. And there are people who will help— people who you can talk to, people who care about you and your safety, and want to do everything they can to get you the help you need.

Please, please, please... if you’re in pain or in complete darkness...

“forcing her to suck his thumb”

Does Eli get to have hot sex with anyone? Does he in the show?

That would be fantastic - Alan Cumming managed to bring his A+ game throughout every second of this show from the good stuff to the garbage. He has made some of the worst material sing.

Ooooh, good one! Can you also bring back Will as the lawyer defending whatever freak -of-the-week Barber is prosecuting and Will starts an affair with Olivia and then he becomes her regular love interest...

Her nude or semi nude photos have nothing to do with Trump or this election cycle. Don't be gross.

For him to think he deserves any credit for ‘saving’ her is just repugnant.

The reason why Annie Hall is liked by so many people who dislike a lot of his other work is that it's an actual realistic adult relationship with no fawning children involved. That, and any reasonable adult woman would also dump Woody Allen just like Annie Hall did in the movie.

You know, feeding and clothing a child, helping them get an education, experience the world - that sounds a lot like parenting. Except the whole creeping-on-you-when-you-were-a-child.

“And she was picked up and put in an orphanage. And so I’ve been able to really make her life better.” - Woody Allen

And he seems a little confused about who exactly changed her life by adopting her from Korea.

When your first response to “how has your wife changed you” is “well, she gives me a lot of pleasure” ... that is not a healthy dynamic.

That’s not how it works. Again, she put out products. People in return paid for those products. End of transaction. She did not put up her privacy for sale.

Please. Fame is a pain in the ass, but that doesn’t mean you should just accept the bad parts quietly. Or that you are deserving of this kind of treatment. The existence of assholes is not a justification for their behavior. She deserved better, and this guy is an asshole. He deserved to be called out on it.

You starred in a story about a character who wasn’t you that you wanted to tell, or aired a television special about you that you wanted to show, and possibly received money/fame from it.