Ten Earth Imps

Ah ha! There we go... I bet you’re right, I bet the Dothraki widows have some sort of secret knowledge or power that they’ve been guarding, probably for Dany...

Actually, not in New York. Toplessness is legal in New York thanks to 1992 Court of Appeals decision, not simply because the State has made it legal. While the decision did not explicitly reach the question of whether it was actually an Equal Protection violation to ban toplessness for women and not for men, it has

The harassment is obviously terrible, but I think the worst part about this is that topless sunbathing is LEGAL in New York. It is literally fundamental to these officers’ jobs to know the law, but why should a pesky thing like that distract a law enforcement officer from bugging citizens?

I have yet to meet an adult pot head who just occasionally gets high. Instead you will make plans with them for dinner or a movie and they’ll show up high. They’ll make plans on the weekend around the times and places they can get high. Its boring and obnoxious, so although I don’t care if people smoke pot, do I want

I did not even notice the couple kissing. I thought this was just about one woman’s true love for pizza.

You think that slice is so tiny to make his hands look bigger?

The part of the Guardian article that got me was how she described feeling panic when she opened the door to her kids’ room after the home intrusion for fear of what she might find....

The idea that a woman who voted the same way as Sanders 93% of the time, who wants to introduce The ERA, The Dream Act and a fund to strip lead out of our homes while holding gun manufacturers responsible for making a dangerous product is some kind of stealth conservative.

You: Name ONE time SS was factually incorrect!

Seems like people making that argument need to study their history. It is literally the “After Hitler, Our Turn” argument used by the KDP (German pre-WW2 Communists) for why they spent their energy fighting Social Democrats in the 1932 election instead of the Nazis. It’s infuriating!

It worth reiterating that her “support” for Trump isn’t because she thinks he would make a better president than Hillary: it’s because she thinks that a Trump presidency would be a massive disaster and usher in a revolution.

Pay me to be your research assistant.

Sad that you aren’t equally vocal about the Sanders supporters who say African-Americans only vote for Hillary because they’re uninformed.

Do you often devalue the accomplishments of women?

Pretty sure that’s not what Whiskeyprayer said.

Did you not see the word viable? There are lots of qualified people of either gender who are not viable as candidates, and unfortunately, female candidates often have to be twice as qualified as their male peers to be considered viable.

It’s not her support of Bernie Sanders that makes me question her feminism, but the fact that she chooses to define Clinton by her relationship to her father and her husband, rather than any actual merits or her own accomplishments.

Can all of these people who want a female president, just not this one please give me five viable alternatives with the public service and foreign policy experience of Hillary Clinton we can run in 2020?

Just like any supporter of any candidate, I have no issue with their choices. I have issues with their facts. I’d have a lot more respect for Sarandon as a political surrogate, if most of what she said were factually correct.

I want to first say something: THE GOVERNMENT DICTATING WHAT MEDICAL CONVERSATIONS TAKE PLACE CAN GO TO HELL. (ex: Fuck you, Florida, I’ll talk about gun safety as much as I damn well please) My only hope here, putting on my rose-colored glasses, is that this will ensure that hospitals provide this service to women