Ten Earth Imps

First of all, she is a woman. Who was put into a men’s prison. Second, regardless of gender, inmates should not be getting raped in any detention facility because rape is in no way an acceptable form of punishment for any crime.

1) She isn’t a man

She isn’t a man. She is a trans woman. Focus on the woman aspect.

She was living a nightmare and this is a disgrace. I can’t imagine being in a more hopeless situation. I assume that going to officials would have been futile, based on their obvious disregard of her needs for hormones. (Is it naive to hope that things have changed with awareness of Trans issues?)

You’re the only one that has actually been reporting on this stuff which is shocking. though I also feel like if we don’t have a discussion about this now, then this will be forgotten in a day and it will happen again. We also should not forget about the others before this either. I am still disappointed in this

I just feel like at this point that anyone who supports Trump has shown themselves to be a pretty shitty person.

BIGGEREST SWERVE: The power couple Rory and Paris are planning their wedding now that it’s legal and that’s why everyone is back in town.

Aint no one gonna bang their HS teacher after the fact.

I met HRC once, on my 21st birthday. I was working at a Clinton Foundation fundraiser at the Museum of Natural History in NYC. They hadn’t told us anything about how the Clintons would enter and I just assumed they would come in the back through some super secret door or something.

Hiring inequality, however...

At least on average he pays women a bit more, but yeah this generally sucks. You need to step it up when Marco Rubio is doing better.

Bernie, you’re breaking my heart.

I didn’t mind the way she handled the karate thing. And I thought it was awesome how receptive the karate teacher was to the criticism!

Can’t agree there. I was totally on board with her complaining about another child teasing her kid until she cries. One may or may not agree about the pretend guns, but that level of teasing is not teasing anymore; it is flat-out bullying.

When my son was in kindergarten, I consistently spoke up as the parent of a kid with autism, bringing those issues into conversations, and I worried that it would mark me as the Weird Mom, but after a couple of years I saw attitudes changing among the parents.


“if I don’t you will make me feel like I crushed a child’s dreams?”

Do the chemicals they use still smell like the Devil caught dysentery from eating spoiled Indian food?

I feel like I’ve seen about a hundred different scenes from movies and television shows where women are counseled about the “optics” of their courtroom appearance (whether as a lawyer, defendant or witness taking the stand). Each woman is told to look trustworthy/pure/believable/sympathetic/smart (just last night I

The cashier telling Marcia “Guess the defense is in for one hell of a week, huh” after she bought tampons