Ten Earth Imps

Last month, the school installed privacy curtains in one locker room, mandating that the transgender student use them

It’s Stratfordian theory, and it’s not a theory. Shakespeare actually existed and he wrote those plays. Absence of evidence does not mean evidence of absence. Furthermore, your interpretation of the word “theory” is laughable at best and the movie Anonymous wasn’t “suppressed” it was a dumb movie that was critically

Are you insinuating that Trump is an anti-Semite? That he doesn’t like Jews? That his dealings with former New York mayor Ed Koch was often peppered with Jew- (and gay-) baiting language? Not Trump. Trump loves Jews. Trump loves Israel. Trump always says Shalom Aleikhem on the right Jew holidays.

also it seemed to me that there was a “wear whatever was on the clearance rack”aesthetic to it because lorelai and rory weren’t supposed to have that much money?

Yeh, the clothing style most DEFINITELY fit the era of clothing. the Early 2000s were a fucked up time for a lot of us.

It’s because you’ve basically made every person in the society jetlagged, and they are tired and hit things with their cars, etc.

Perhaps. But it’s been proven that even in cases in which women work as many or more hours then men, they’re still expected to do the housework.

Not really.

Yes, but practically speaking, if your wife isn’t exhausted and stressed out from two full time jobs — one of which pays nothing and is massively undervalued — then you are, in fact, likely to get more sex. Because she’s no longer exhausted and stressed beyond her limits.

I stepped in dog shit a couple years ago.

“You’re offering it up as a counterpoint because?”

An actual FIGHT between students would be a crime. Battery or etc, depending on how the jurisdiction labels it.

The biggest takeaway should be that Lott said that both girls, including the one arrested for filming, would still be getting charged with “disturbing the school.”

You’re describing an SRO being there to intervene in a crime, which is the function Mabel suggested SRO’s should serve. But you’re offering it up as a counterpoint because?

Hey, what about skinny people who just eat terribly? We matter too.

Try to imagine this man having sex. Go ahead. Try it.

JEB! 2016: He’ll Crank it to Supergirl, and He Doesn’t Care Who Knows

Clearly, you’ve never read any of his other shitty quotes. It’s pretty clear at this point that he’s a douche.

Don’t forget David Foster Wallace. A certain type of dude always, always name drops Infinite Jest and then is shocked if you read it. The endless tennis narratives should’ve been too dense and lofty for your little lady brain to process.