Ten Earth Imps

bc she’s actually in love with Karlie Kloss

“Guy comes in, put the gun in my ribs. And I just said, ‘I believe that you want the guy behind the counter.’”

Remember the time Cool-Pope compared transgendered humans to nuclear arms? Lots of the queer community glossed over that, but HOLY SHIT did they freak out about Kim Davis. We have to be there for our trans family. It’s fucked that we’re not.

Wendy Williams:

...holy fucking shit, you guys. O.o

she certainly doesn’t seem to give the slightest bit of a shit about treating the LGBTQ community with any respect

To me the mental illness doesn’t even enter into it- Rosie’s transgressions, according to Chelsea, sound like completely middle of the road, fed up exhausted Mom stuff, of the sort that a lot of out of sort teenage girls would bitterly complain.

I remember reading that Chelsea struggled with being adopted from a pretty young age. That she had trouble bonding and asked questions a lot about why she’d been “given away”.
Rosie has been through her own problems with mental illness, but I don’t have any doubt she loves her kids, and I think the truth of things is

I’m sure a lot of people who have a hate-on for Rosie O’Donnell will completely ignore the fact that this is coming from a teenager with a serious mental illness.

I swear I saw a documentary on “rebuilding penises” on Discovery Health. The horror played on as my grandparents continued to sew/read.

“I’m taking it one step at a time and not expecting anything,” he says. As far as going public with his long-held secret? “I’m at the age where I really don’t care. Since I hit 40, I don’t care what people think or do.”

If they can make her look taller she’d make a killer She-Hulk.

I’m still mad that they aren’t using the Monica Rambeau Captain Marvel. I mean, Marvel has a Black woman problem and that would solve a lot that. But, alas! Carol Danvers is cool, though.

I love Rousey as much as anyone but I do not want her playing the baddest ass superhero just bc she’s a buff woman. Cast someone with actual talent/skill/experience for obvious reasons.

I love these. I really wanted the Hieronymus Bosch ones, too, but didn’t pull the trigger. I recently bought these beauties, though:

Eh. I don’t think it’s completely fair to null other people’s feelings just because they’re famous or because they have money. I’m sure he has bad days and insecurities. As long as he keeps things in perspective and doesn’t claim his woes are worse than other people’s.

Let’s not also forget the erasure of the L and T of the LGBT.

Welcome to being a woman, where your every sexual move (or non-move) is scrutinized to the nth degree.

Guys, I’m like, so broken up that I won’t be able to marry an angry misogynist.