Ten Earth Imps

As I understand it (which is not well, because all I have to go on is like one article and maybe a brief podcast) there are multiple hypotheses and perhaps multiple explanations. I could see both explanations being the result of how women are treated and dismissed in conversation, particularly in the workplace.

Yeah no...the civil war was actually about ethics in gaming journalism so this wouldn’t work at all.

Damn foreigner! Quit taking my job of bitching about how stupid this fuckwad is! I demand justice, or just ice cream.

I don’t want Natalie Portman to feel bad, I want Zach Braff to feel bad.

I don't understand how Jezebel is getting slammed for not acting on something they didn't know about.

Who approved that POS on Vox? This is Journalism 101.

Wait, do you actually think Jesus wrote the bible?

Or, you know....he never did any of the things the Bible claims. He didn’t write the damned thing; much of the new testament was written 70 years after his death. My sense is he lived, was a type of guru, died and then all these people made up stories about him. He probably didn’t actually do or say a single thing the

You know what he did say though?

“Eventually” is not acceptable. Every day brings more abuse, misery and death. “Eventually” is bullshit. He’s not cool. Period.

I use it ironically, like “conscientious Donald Trump” or “caring Sarah Palin”.

GOD. He’s not cool, he’s a god damn POPE. POPE’s aren’t cool, they are the head of an incredibly harmful religion which through forced conversions, has managed to spread all over the world, supplanting native cultures and religions on 5 continents. I hope shit like this makes people stop calling him “cool”.

I’m going with 100% real. Nikki looked pissed.

How in the world has science found an objective measure of attractiveness?

Thank you for the explanation (and the common sense): people are freaking out like this doesn’t happen all the time. It’s a standard legal practice. No one’s doing anything sleazy or out-of-the-ordinary, but some people are really going after the people in the Hummer like they weren’t innocent victims too.

Hi, lawyer here (though admittedly not in CA). They have to sue the deceased because she’s the one who collided with them. They might sue Caitlyn too but ultimately she’ll probably be brought in as a third-party defendant by the insurance company of the deceased woman. If it makes you feel any better, the woman’s auto

Please don’t reply to any transphobic comments or people calling her “Bruce.” Just flag as the hate speech that it is and move on.

I do speak up actually, when people attack WoC’s looks. I speak up when people attack anyone’s looks for no reason, especially when it’s particularly hateful (this isn’t, but your post about Lena Dunham sure af is). You can hate Courtney and Lena’s personalities/schtick/etc. but it’s gross to post vitriol about

Nice try, JONATHAN.