Ten Earth Imps

He consistently derails conversations to make them about him. I am not sure if that’s trolling or not, but when he derailed a conversation about the awfulness of Penelope Trunk to talk about how he continually gets death threats on Jez and no one sees the posts or does anything about them when they’re flagged, my

When it comes to portrayal of fictional characters I tend toward a “death of the author” perspective. Basically: screw intent, focus on the impact that the character made on the audience. Sweeney makes it quite clear the character is in no way autobiographical or biographical so I think that’s fair play in this case.

There actually isn’t any evidence that he or she speaks German beyond a few phrases you can easily find on dict.cc.

I’m sorry, and I appreciate your non-incendiary comment. But I have to tell you that this person is inhabiting a bizarre persona, maybe similar to that person who posts about her husband’s BMW and son at Harvard.

“I don’t see color! What is color? People are different races? What?” Jesus.

This is exactly the original definition of trolling, adopting a fauxsona and making bizarre comments to initiate discussion. I’m not saying the person is being abusive, but it’s simply not possible to be German and be unaware of discussion about white male patriarchal issues or to have heard the terms “black” and

I’m just an unfrozen caveman, ladies and gentlemen. Your “Black Music” frightens and confuses me!

This sounds like something Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer would say.

Live Through This WAS as brilliant as Nevermind; lyrically speaking, in my opinion, it was superior. Say whatever you will about Courtney: her influence on Kurt’s songwriting is extremely evident on most of his later work.

I love Courtney Love! I definitely wouldn’t call any individual criticism or critic of her behavior sexist, but the amount of criticism she gets compared to male rock stars is totally sexist. No one expects their male rock idols to be all sweetness and light and humility and sanity and rationality and moderation. In

I’m sorry, but, you’re totally making all of this up. I’m from München, and we (and everyone else in the entirely far less provincial rest of the country) is very well aware of both “racial descriptions” and the ascription of power to white men. What a weird thing to make a troll post about.

Yeah but I don’t think the whole “gender non-disclosing” was a statement on Pat’s gender identity so much as it was a tool to keep the gag going. What I got from her statement is that Pat actually IS a cis person and doesn’t identify as anything outside that, but that we’re simply not privy to the details because the

John Lennon was an abusive fuckwit whose jealous rage made him want control of every aspect of Yoko’s life, and he fucking sucked. Even if I can respect him as a musician, I am incapable of respecting him as a human being.

Does the Groot come in pink? I’m a girl!

Whenever I have to get something for someones kid or new baby or whatever I insist on getting something that is neither blue nor pink. Narrows down the options some.


Also, even though the scene was re-shot, I don’t necessarily think it was scripted. I’m sure the tears were real, and her emotions were authentic. Maybe it just took her some time to figure out how she wanted to verbalize her feelings towards the matter. She’s still basically admitting that it was really tough her for

As a trans person, I am entirely unwilling to criticize the reaction of a partner to their spouse coming out (outside of open hostility of course) . It really is a tough thing to go through.

Kris Jenner closing a revenue stream? That would be a new one...