Ten Earth Imps

I think I like all of those better than Beyonce’s. Well, not the tablecloths, but the other ones.

As cops like to say, “If you aren’t doing anything wrong, you have nothing to fear.”

There’s video of the incident, filmed by another woman across the street.

Yup. He’s a big fish in a gigantic pond. He doesn’t mean shit to McCann.

I had momentarily lost all hope for any of the characters until Peggy’s triumphant appearance at McCann.

I found four news stories from April that showed cops smashing cell phones used to record them, and even more going farther back, in a Google search.

I blame the lack of fathers in the camera community

What we’ll never hear about on the news though is the REAL problem in America: camera-on-camera crime.

If you’re in a public place, there’s no expectation of privacy, and the filming is fine.

He attacked her because she hurt his little cop feelings. You know what? IT MAKES NO DIFFERENCE WHAT SHE SAID. Cops have to have thick skins. I’m so sick of their attitudes when people don’t fall on their knees and worship the ground they walk on.

She wasn’t in the way at all. In fact, she kept stepping back to the point that the marshall had to charge at her to attack. The Congresswoman in this district (Representative Janice Hahn) has said that the marshall’s actions in this case were clearly illegal, and that the woman was in no way hindering an

Get it. I’m a black guy who lived in a mostly white suburb right before college and got stopped several times on my street. It never hurts to have a watchful eye on the PowersThatBe

George Zimmerman lived in a white suburb, so it might be more useful than you think.

There’s an app called “Five-O”. It allows you to film incidents of police brutality & is uploaded immediately to a server so that even if the police erase it on your phone it will be saved. Here’s the description: [Beta]The Five-O app also allows community members to organize by county on its message board feature.

Right?? If someone else wouldn’t have been filming it, it would be dismissed as a matter of course. I think we as a citizenry are getting smarter about such things all the time, thank god!

The US Marshal’s office told the LA Times that the incident is under review.

My actual reaction to this information:

I hope she sues that officer and the U.S. Marshals. They caused property damage and traumatized her. What they did was unconstitutional and therefore illegal so a decent lawyer should make short work of it.

Hit them in the money. Very little is as effective as hitting people in their monies.

“Filmed by another woman across the street.”

Good thing there was someone filming this woman filming.