Ten Earth Imps

Renner’s non-apology was worse than the offending comments. Evans’ was gracious and appropriate.

This was totally a tale of two apologies: 1) Evans apologized for being offensive while 2) Renner apologized that you were offended by something that wasn’t meant to be offensive, why are you so sensitive, can’t you see that we were just joking around, jesus.

Renner told Entertainment Weekly that “it was not meant to be serious in any way. Just poking fun during an exhausting and tedious press tour.”

I think she’s been pregnant for at least 10 years at this point.

Kris Jenner - who basically pimps her daughters is mad at Bruce for attracting attention from the media? *AH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA ha snerk*

I can’t understand female-spaces where transwomen aren’t welcome. Guess what? Probably most transwomen were born women. “Raised as girls”? What does that even mean? I think we’re moving ever closer to a world where parents no longer enforce arbitrary rules about what boys/girls can/can’t do/wear. Thank goodness. But

I like this lady’s swag tho

Lol best comment ever! His name and all spellings of it ie. aiden aidan aden adenn ayden aydin are actually a joke in the trans male community because its such a commonly chosen (and hideous) name

Well he should probably be black too, otherwise he isn’t sufficiently fighting racism.

He has a better beard than me, is in better shape than me, AND he’s a trailblazer. What a jerk.

this article is lacking some pix

I’m not seeing how the existence of the rave shirt means that the rape one can’t possibly exist.

As the mother of 4 sons, I would be all over this shit if he was my kid.

Hopefully it’s his mother.

This man is what public shaming was made for.

Not only is this motherfucker wearing that shirt, but someone is selling that shirt.

I don't think they should be harassed and threatened, but misgendering her after her death was not cool. They deserved the scorn they got from the media and collective public. People shouldn't get personally involved and start harassing them though.

Was the Alesana family supportive of her? Because Alcorn’s family was terrible to her, and deserved some scorn.

I don’t. It means his Nana, dad, brother, and his nephew and the new baby have all died. Seriously think a little.