Ten Earth Imps

Yeah, that definitely should have been mentioned. Can you find any information on what kind of threats they were getting? Because if we’re talking death threats, rape threats, vandalism, sure, that’s fucked up, it’s not okay to make people feel unsafe about running their business. But when I clicked on the pizza

“Family-owned business falls victim to culture war.” Funny how that whole “personal responsibility” thing never applies to white Christians.

Please tell me it's next to Big Gay Pizza.

Pretty upset I'm going to be forced to go to gay re-education camp, but, what are you gonna do.

I had a friend who was worried about Big Gay too. But then he learned not to stint on the lube.

omg what is Big Gay Ice Cream and why can't I have it now

They're called "Bears," Bryan.

"who believes — literally — that America is controlled by a vast, shadowy cabal of glittery and terrifying homosexuals. "

Giving me the benefit of the doubt doesn't mean assuming I'm holding all black people to account on the actions of one dude. Because what I'm talking about is an idea explored by Paulo Freire in Pedagogy of the Oppressed and many times since then, and it's certainly not about oppressed people being the root cause of

Are you actually going to address any of your concerns to me or are you just going to discuss what you assume I meant to other people and give me nothing but terse, passive-aggressive replies?

this is making it sound like he is being transphobic BECAUSE he is black

"Kim is obsessed with the idea that there's a child out there who's going to come after his fortune."

Of course he did... as the oppressed begin to escape their oppression, they in turn become oppressors themselves.

As someone who loves history I get really damn eye twitchy when people like to ignore that the Nazis persecuted gay people. Worse are the idiots who claim the Nazis were gay, those ones need a baseball bat to the brain, stat.

If I ever have an aneurysm, it will because shitsticks like that spend their days bandying about words like "gaystapo"

Because it works as a shutdown tactic a lot of the time.

"Civility is only important if you want to win an argument and change someone's mind."

It's pretty simple, those calls for civility are really just calls for the plaintiffs to quieten down and move on. It's a call to agree-to-disagree, because that's what the controlling class wants - they want the underclasses to forgive their oppressors and stop calling for change, because change is hard and

And of course only the wronged party is expected to be "civil." The people being harassed need to keep their tone neutral and not ever get angry for fear of being dismissed, but the crazy assholes bombarding them with insults and threats are apparently except from the whole "let's be civil" party.

Why is it that every time somebody points out an obvious injustice, there's a dozen cries for "civility?" Why is being "civil" more important than not being a racist, sexist ass?