Ten Earth Imps

The Catholic Church actively funds, advocates for, and teaches misogyny. I'm not advocating for outlawing religion but let's not pretend that the Catholic Church isn't an intrinsically misogynists institution that actively makes the world a worse place.


Oh, but those babies weren't murdered, they died of horrific illnesses and malnutrition because they were denied basic health care and food.

All Judeo-Christian religion is rooted heavily in misogyny. Hell, most religions are. Not many One True Goddess religions that allowed women to be considered people and not chattel out there, kwim?

This is the shit that happens when women aren't allowed reproductive choice. Fuck every religious pro life argument that shames women for having sex, or worse being raped, and then then believe they should be forced to carry pregnancies to term as punishment. Fuck them all straight to hell, I cannot even deal with

The logical conclusion of a society that devalues women, while prohibiting abortion and contraceptives. And to think this is what conservatives in this country want.

Do we still have to pretend the Catholic Church is hunky dory now that they have a "cool" pope, or can we go back to calling them out on their shit?

Fuck all of these people who treated women, and their children, like this. Fucking shame on all of them.

Right here:

Can you cite any source that indicates trans-aware parents forcing being transgender on their children?

They've stated repeatedly that Solange shouldn't have put her hands on Jay-Z.

My understanding is that the moment Ryland says, "Actually, I'm a girl," his parents will make that change as well. Here's the thing: trans kids are trans kids even if they group up to be cis adults. The two are not mutually exclusive. It's a perfectly acceptable narrative. Gender fluidity does exist. It doesn't exist

Well, yes, okay, so the parents could be lying to us. If we consider that a relative alternative (which I do not), for theoretical purposes, sure this could be an example of a cisgender girl who views "boy" as simply a designation which accompanies "boy stuff" (there is no boy stuff in reality, of course, just stuff

Looking at the pictures of Ryland before he transitioned, I get the sense that he was allowed to dress in the clothes he wanted. Based on my own experiences as a trans child and trans adult, I can tell you that for me, that was not nearly enough. Wearing boys clothing is not the same thing as being a boy. Being a boy

Really? Do tell.

The author did a really good job of explaining how transitioning is handled in pre-pubescent youths...and how nothing is set in stone. They can postpone puberty, and if the child continues to identify as male, and his gender identity does not waver in that time, then he will transition. And, as the video pointed out,

Studies have shown that most people figure out what gender they are between the ages of 3 and 5. Yes, that young. You would never question a DFAB (designated female at birth) kindergartener declaring herself a girl, you'd never argue that she couldn't possibly understand what gender means, so why would you question a

He for now, it's he for pity sakes.

We're not doing that, however. Some of us are binary identified. Some of us have boxes. We like those boxes. We don't want our boxes taken away. I want everyone to have whatever box they want, or multiple boxes, or no boxes. If Ryland says his box is the boy box, he gets his boy box.