Ten Earth Imps

The reaction to this has been so odd. We have video of Solange punching, kicking and spitting on Jay Z, he literally does nothing back and the immediate reaction is : "He must be cheating on Beyonce".

That's very true, and thanks for pointing out that distinction. My post could be read as that it's something that the scouts share, which isn't necessarily the case.

The scouts teach community service and helping others, among other good things. :)

The Boy Scouts of America (organization) is pretty gay-hatey (for now). Local troops and individual scouts, not so much.

Sadly I am pretty sure that there is nothing, NOTHING, you could put on the internet, no matter how cute and seemingly inoffensive, that someone wouldn't be horrible about. It's actually rather inventive how these people can be angry about/make grossly sexual pretty much anything.

I read as

Yeah, as a reward a grown woman should systematically sexually assault a group of children. Good idea.

Uhh, WTF is up with all the trolls on this article? I'm left scratching my head.

I'm having a hard time remembering the last time a Christian group kidnapped a group of 300+ girls, forced them to convert to Christianity then promised to sell those girls as "wives" (a/k/a sex slaves) if their criminal compatriots were not released. Enlighten me.

Sorry, they are 100% real Muslims. Just like there are many peaceful Muslims who balk at this and wish for a peaceful world, there are also Muslims that kill, and do this. Westboro Baptist Church are real Christians - different from other types of Christians, but real Christians. It's the "No True Scotsman" fallacy.

Along with a proper understanding of Christianity perhaps? Emphasis on proper.

They're dressed in hijabs and are reading for the Qur'an - how could one avoid mentioning Islam when these girls are apparently being required to practicing it?

Uh...what? These terrorists are much more like Christians than Muslims?

You know what? They're Muslim. Fucking deal with that.

You could have just wrote Boot Straps and it would have saved you a lot of effort.

Bootstraps, bootstraps, bootstraps. There is no system, and even if they're was it's not enough to actually prevent you from doing anything because you control you!

Silly kel, didn't you know that regulation is the enemy of capitalism because reasons?

And ignorance on the internet isn't a problem either!

That you don't know who bell hooks is says more about you than it does about the person you chided. You shouldn't have an attitude, you should be embarrassed.

How is Hillary Crosley mansplaining? She's a woman, and she's trying to make hooks' point more clear to the people who didn't get it, which is totally valid. You're being ridiculous.