Ten Earth Imps

It really is all my fault. Just like most things.


I gotta side with Jada on this one.

But there's nothing sexual about the photos. She's hanging out with a family friend, and the both happen to be chilling on the same bed.

Here here. It's up to the parents to judge what's appropriate for their children, and if she is cool with it then everyone else needs to back off and shut up.

there's nothing inappropriate about that photo - there, fixed that for you

Awright Jada. Attention pervy concern-trolls: the projection booth is now closed.

I give a strong cosign to jada pinkett

I don't find this to be a strange photo on the surface. At all.

This really does not seem like a big deal to me. The photo doesn't look intimate in any way. She probably has known him for years. Obviously there is someone else in the room, who took the photo. People need to chill!

The thing is, it shouldn't matter. The photos aren't sexual, and to claim that they are — and worse, blame Willow Smith for them being sexual — is to forcibly sexualize a 13-year-old girl just because she's a 13-year-old girl.

Is it bad that I don't really see a scandal here? From what I've read he's a close family friend, and the photo itself is pretty bland and asexual. It just looks like they were hanging out on a warm day and someone snapped a picture. Of course if it turns out they are dating I'll be grossed out and outraged like

Ban dorms. Dorms are shit. On-campus living is shit too. Eliminate it all.

Am I the only cynic who thinks that maybe this is just a way for the college to wash its hands of bad things? Basically, now they can say, "Oh, that party wasn't sanctioned by us at all, so we aren't responsible since it was off-campus and not in a sanctioned group!" Sounds to me like this is just the university

I know, off the top of my head, five women who were raped at Amherst. All of them were raped in on-campus dorms. Several of the men involved were, in fact, involved with fraternities and/or on the football team, but this is not the end of problem by any means.

I agree with you. I feel like a better route would have been to allow official fraternities and sororities back into the fold. They said it right in their explanation:

I'll probably get flamed to death over this, but I really don't think fraternities and sororities are the devil as people here seem to think. People act like Greek life is the only thing causing rape on campus. The fact is, the same guys in frats will still get together and have parties and potentially roofie girls.

I am disturbed by this. A university is now putting itself in the position of regulating the off campus activities of its adult student body by mandating that they can't be associated with certain groups without risk of expulsion.