Ten Earth Imps

So many trolls in the comments. MRAs must not have demanding jobs.

I really think Jezebel should do an article on how to deal with trolls with the new kinja dismissal thing.

Please, this. Please. To everyone else, if a troll replies to you, you can dismiss the comment by hovering over the top-right-hand corner of the reply, and a down arrow will appear. Click it and then click "X Dismiss."

Erin, I will give you $15, a delivery pizza, and my firstborn if you want them - if you will PLEASE dismiss the false accusation brigade before they blow up the comments on your article. This is too good to get spoiled by that shit.

Now playing

Look into Reactive Attachment Disorder (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reactive_…). Its not actually sociopathy in the clinical sense but I can easily see how a layperson would conflate the two. In the literature there is anecdotal evidence of clusters of cases linked to children taken from orphanages in the former

Actually Lous CK has no idea what he's fucking talking about. We are born with implicit, nonverbal memory and these memories get lit up as adults all.the.time. Since they were encoded before the left brain, explicit, narrative parts of our brains come online, they are remembered nonverbally, in a "felt sense". And we

Well... I definitely know transgender people who know other transgender people, and talk to their fellow trans* buddies about trans* issues. Does that count as a culture? People bonding over shared experiences who develop a language to discuss those experiences? Or is there more to it than that?

People who are on TV spouting bullshit are influential - whether we want them to be or not. It is important to keep misinformation out of the media.

If you drink milk and then get diarrhea, you were probably a murderer in a past life, and that time spent on the toilet is karma catching up with you.

I thought the second season was awful, but I loved the third.

I thought this too. I mean, I'm lesbian, so I'm no expert, but I was like, "new", really? I seem to recall bears have been around at least as long as I've been around and I'm no puppy. Wtf?

Look at all the cool commenters who are so cool because they don't care about this TV show.

This is exactly how I see it going. Yet, I'll probably still enjoy watching. :)

I feel this way about Game of Thrones, Mad Men, Breaking Bad, and that zombie show and yet I don't go around clicking on articles about minutiae related to those shows and leaving comments about how it is meaningless to me. You clearly care enough to comment, so now I am left wondering why.

It's a polarizing show, no doubt, but he ratings definitely haven't tanked. According to Variety, this season averaged around 4.6 million viewers (up from 632,000 the year before), with 1 million viewers for the finale (up 6 percent from the previous season's finale).

"One of the newest reflections of this is what is known as "bear" culture: heavy, hirsute, unkempt guys who revel in their slovenliness."

Agree. They are displaying that their whole value system for humans is wrong. The standard you walk by is the standard you accept.

Er.....he did something really shitty to her and that SHOULD fucking matter? They're saying that they don't give a shit what he did to her. And that is why guys like that keep doing it, because douchebags like her friends let them get away with it.

Bingo. If a person knows someone is harrassing people, and they keep on keepin' on with them, that person is condoning harrassment. Period. Too many women get pushed into continued interactions because their friends don't care about them enough to drop the harrassers. And that's bullshit. A person can't call someone a

Yeah, I've never understood when people are like, "I don't want to take sides! You're both my friends!" Maybe if it's just a breakup or something, but not when it's harassment, or (God forbid) rape.