Ten Earth Imps

So people can be disgusting creeps, and they're totally okay with you unless they have a criminal conviction? That's some seriously fucked up morality you've got there.

Devon Sawa, you're doing WHAT to those pancakes??!?!

"Jez" is not one person, and I'm guessing there are different levels of hate for Terry Richardson among them.

She gave it to Margaery, but maybe offscreen. I didn't see it, at any rate. But there is a shot where you can *just* see Margaery pass her palm across the rim of Joffrey's cup.

She went over and complimented Sansa's hair and then adjusted her necklace.

Oleanna with the contents of Ser Dontas's mother's necklace, from the neck of Sansa, at the wedding table.

And under no circumstances should the DJ be allowed to play 'Rains of Castamere'.

In Westeros, a top wedding planner must be able to coordinate the food, the music, the guest list, as well as the inevitable regicide. You have to craft a seating chart that separates the unruly in-laws but puts the killer and the patsy within plausible reach of the victim. It's not as easy as it looks, you guys.

Here's to the brilliant make up. It was hard to watch despite Joffrey deserving a painful death. Well done to Jack Gleeson and his make up artist.

Uh huh. Goodbye.

Well, considering that "dude" or male is often the default for "human," then, yes, when I don't shave my legs, I feel like a "dude." Meaning "a human."

My stubble doesn't make me feel like a dude. When my leg hair gets to long, luxurious lengths that I can braid then maybe I might feel like a dude but besides that point is I don't really care. No, stubble makes me feel angry at the fact that I feel the need to shave my legs in the first goddamn place.

"This idea came from women who told us that at the first hint of stubble, they felt like 'dudes.'"

"Mindy Kaling approved a joke (that she may or may not have written herself) about her fictional character, who happens to share the same first name as her creator, writing a Jezebel post about how a guy "raped her weekend," " doesn't have the same flow, though.

Don't watch the show, don't know anything about it, but you know how I read it?

I just audibly groaned at my desk. Not ok. And I am pretty sure (I'm sure someone will disagree with me here) that Jezebel wouldn't post that article.

That sounds more like a Thought Catalog piece?

For heaven's sake, this isn't a "vintage handout" from 1988 - it's a reproduction of a fairly well-known poster that dates back to the 1970s.

A lesbian's vision is based on motion. If you stay very still, she can't see you.

I pretended to be a lesbian in college that one time. There was drinking involved. I didn't get graded on it but I don't think it is appropriate to talk about how it felt.