Ten Earth Imps

Thanks for posting this. As a transmale who lurks in this space, I often keep my head down and my mouth shut to support this female space. My wife is transfemale, and I am grateful that she's got a space where voices like hers are heard. I get to run my mouth in my books, and in my Househusbanding articles, so I feel

No, no. Definitely not. Tumblr is... Well. Not exactly peer reviewed.

Trans men are not men because they hate being women, with a few exceptions. I have deep seated issues with Chaz Bono who has said this in the past, but this is not a terribly common narrative I have heard.

I'm replying to you, but also kind of to everyone in this thread that is missing the point dramatically basically due to a very simplistic way of looking at both feminism and the lgbt community. I'm not meaning to sound aggressive, but in an effort to be efficient, I'm going to number my points and my comment is going

You are the one who seems very young. You are the one who is all upset that *GASP* HIMYM didnt end the way YOU approved of. See, if it would have ended differently than it did I wouldnt have whined then either. Your pathetic attempt at an insult was precious. LMOA! Says a lot about why you are mad about how the show

Great post. But F us fans who liked how it ended. I guess some fans think their opinions are more important than everyone elses. LOL

Uhm, too bad. I am not missing the point. Again, I loved the ending. You fans who didnt like how it ended arent the only fans. No matter how it ended someone wasnt going to be happy. Their show and they ended it the way they had planned from the beginning. I give them credit for staying true to their idea instead of

I am embarrassed to admit that it is completely news to me that so few trans men pass and that so few undergo hormone treatment or SRS. I had always assumed that it is easier for trans men to pass than it is for trans women to pass, on average. Then again, the only trans man I know personally, or rather that I am

I used to have respect for Amber, because she seemed like an old fashioned hustler, doing whatever she could to sell herself and claw her way to the top, even though she's a decidedly mediocre actress (and that's being generous). But now she seems like she's buying her own hype, giving all sorts of interviews about

didn't Amber Heard say last year or something that she was a lesbian? I'm so confused over this. Or is that a different Amber?

Now playing

Hi. This is C. So, I guess my main point in the first paragraph was that these narratives tend to override the existence of femme lesbians. A lot of people think butch and lipstick lesbians are the only two options, which are hurtful narratives for the lesbians who don't fit into those labels.

My counterpoint to all of that is simply that LGBT (and maybe more) rights and awareness is currently still tied up in societal problems regarding gender, gender equality, and creepy old white man patriarchy.

I know! How dare an perfectly pleasant and ordinary looking woman look ordinary? How dare she wear pretty clothes and be the star of a hugely successful series and have the audacity not to look like Megan Fox or Charlize Theron?!

Wow an SJP horse joke. How fresh and new! *yawn*

So crafty, our Nick. I should tell him my secret trick for getting free water from the water fountain.

I'm thinking that the spinning made her legs swell (it happens to me) and then the shower made her kind of clammy so the skinny jeans wouldn't go on.

I knew Nick Cannon was a troll, but I didn't realize he was the worst kind: the kind who thinks he invented the concept.

I agree. And having had a teenage son in this same situation, I was upset when my son got arrested - now I'm just thankful he wasn't shot!

Charging her as an accessory to manslaughter does not seem unfair to me. Her actions directly led to his death. She may not have foreseen his death, but she must have known her dad had a gun and what conclusions he would come to. She certainly bears a lot of moral responsibility for the boy's death.

ahaha i read that james franco story yesterday and immediately instagram directed him a ~tasteful~ (HA) picture of my tatas saying "22, and all yours baby" still no response -_-