Ten Earth Imps

Hey, there's room for all of them in hell.

This is tiresome underinformed boilerplate nonsense. Democrats weren't against Bush's immigration plan because it was Bush's. They (and, you may recall, actual immigrants) were against it because it created a 2nd class of citizen. A powerless, unprotected worker class. It was also a system that would never work

As a Texas woman I have this to say to any overpaid rich white dude who'd like to tell me what does and doesn't affect me in matters of public policy:

I think we can all safely agree that Perry really fucking hates women. I've never in my life seen someone go out of their way to make women's lives more difficult on such a consistent basis.

You don't have to shovel warm.

This mother and baby are the exact reason Safe Haven laws need to exist. Because without them babies are left on doorsteps, in the street or in the case of a good friend of mine in a phone box on a day below freezing. I agree with you, she doesn't need our forgiveness, understanding her situation and what could have

Hey, um. I just want to say. Your comments? In this whole article/thread. They're really astounding and I just really appreciate you being such a bright light in a heartening story born of such abject sadness. So, you know. Keep on, keepin' on.

Ohhh I just talked about this in another comment. I won't cut and paste for you though (even though I am really really tired!) Keep in mind that she was a teenager at the time. One who lived in what I'm guessing is a pretty strict or even repressive household. I'm betting access to transportation probably was a major

Can I be crazy and ask this question—why are we fixated on the forgiveness aspect of this story? She left her baby in a public place where she would be found because she (a rape victim) did not trust her parents enough with the truth. The baby was adopted by loving people who raised her to be the kind of woman who, by

It's probably something that had already crossed her mind. I'm adopted and "was I a rape baby" just something you (or at least me) tend to wonder about. Not saying finding out for sure makes it any easier, but I personally wouldn't be that take aback by the news.

My name is not "Gawker." It's Rebecca Rose. (You're not even on Gawker. This is Jezebel.) You can call me Rebecca, "Burt" (my nickname )or Ms. Rose, if you're nasty. I believe those videos play sporadically at different times for different people but I do not know since I am not part of that aspect of our blog that

Good Christ! I have 3 kids, all birthed in a hospital setting with the assistance of a midwife, nurse and husband (and drugs for 2 of them). I cannot, for the fucking life of me, imagine giving birth at 16 in my childhood home's bedroom (how do you hide the mess from your mom?!). Then taking that newborn - so soon

Actually though, her birth mother was looking for her, too. She said she started about six months ago to try and find her daughter. She absolutely was not "smoked out" by any media. She reached out when she saw the story and asked an attorney she knew to help facilitate a meeting. Her identity has been kept private,

I know it might be tempting for some to judge her mother for abandoning her, but to be honest, after thinking about the facts of the case, I can't even a little bit. She was raped, and had parents so oblivious/neglectful that they noticed NOTHING. No signs of emotional trauma/withdrawal, not to mention her

Do they let other religious groups use the park? If they're just not down with letting religious groups hold events in public parks I totally understand (even if this sounds super fun), but if they do then this is some bullshit.

No sweetheart, that is not consent. Consent is where both parties agree to sex. What we have here is a party agreeing to work, and then the other party, which has much more power, coercing the working party into sex under the guise of work. See how that is different? That only looks like consent if you want to excuse

I think you need to seek out some education on what constitutes consent.

You're kidding, right? Like, you actually think, regardless of this whole choosing your choice shit you're trying to sell, that it's still ok for someone like TR to shove his dick in a models face?

If he really wants to make sure his models are "aware of the nature of the work," why not sit down with them beforehand and talk about what they will and won't do, as is standard in the American porn industry? Why not put out an ad specifically looking for women who are comfortable getting facials on camera?

Cecile Richards, president of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America.