Ten Earth Imps

Did he admit that he, in fact, knows nothing??

(And I know this case has nothing to do with hiring practices, but it is absolutely untrue that "under federal law you can condition employment...on any number [of] reason[s] that you choose.")

Nope. Check out Title VII. Actually, all of these laws:

1) Because ccorporations aren't, in fact, people.

I heard they see a lot of his sense of humor on the Mad Men set.

Planet Fitness should hire you to write their judgemental dress codes.

Religious freedom is a fundamental right, but incorporating a business is not. When you form a corporation, you also take on the corresponding benefits and obligations. If your religious beliefs prohibit you from following through with those obligations, then you must choose between your fundamental,

Yeah, I realize that, and I'll repeat: he hasn't learned much.

Such outrage! Much Photoshop! I will pay 10 hundred million dogecoin for the unretouched photos.

That is my project for tomorrow. I will cut that audio, and upload for all.

He would still sound like a dick bag. It isn't hard to watch the way you word things. And why the fuck would be be playing a cis woman? They are at least played by cis women. People don't seem to actually understand what being an ally means.

What did you think of the producers' explanation? Is this the way you wanted to see Charles go out?

He couldn't just say "I thought about dressing as Rayane. I think she would like the Oscars." I don't understand why people don't understand that it isn't hard to just change the way you phrase something and not sound like a dickbag every time you speak on the same subject.

Impossible. GRRM doesn't punish the naughty, and he CERTAINLY doesn't reward the good.

You should read the books so that you can sit here in the moral superiority of knowing what will happen like the rest of us.

An audio recording of Oprah telling me to "cut the bullshit" is all I need to motivate myself for anything ever.

Normally I'm against celebrity couple portmanteau names, but why aren't we calling Mila and Ashton KuKu?

I'm going to reply to susieq here because she brought up an interesting point about "bad apples." As a social psychologist those words are like nails on a chalkboard. The old journalism saying is "twice is a coincidence, three times is a trend." It's the same for group psychology. If it's happened this much in the

And not the first rape by a police officer in Baltimore. I'm not surprised about this happening again in Baltimore, Jemini Jones taught his fellow officers that multiple rape accusations won't prevent you from being paid while awaiting trial, and since the prosecutors office is prone to "losing" evidence he taught

"It Happened Again"