Ten Earth Imps

It would be cute though, if they had children playing the other roles. Then they would look like average size adults.

Transition montages always make me cry because it's just so obvious that they transitioned from sad to happy. I hadn't seen an ftm transition montage but the sparkle every time he talked to show how deep his voice had gotten... *sniffle*

She may have simply been protesting the lack of access to birth control with a dramatic statement. Slot bears are known to be very political.

Thanks, Obama!

Haha depends on what is old now. I hope not. >_>

Yea and verily did the Lord say, "No Homo".

As with so much else in life, L&O Special Victims Unit covered this. Cassidy was deep undercover and told to take a trafficked woman into a bedroom and have sex with her as a "reward" for services. He told her he was taking antibiotics for an STD and didn't want to give it to her, but to just hang out in the room with

Hmmm, how about instead of putting women who sell sex in jail, Hawaii works on arresting the pimps and johns who abuse and exploit them? Is that too far of a leap for the police to make? Probably.

No, you should start a blog.

I dunno, Jesus didn't seem to have an issue with John the Baptist's boys club of nubile men who perform enemas on each-other. Difficult to imagine he'd go from "No problem, man. You go ahead and blow water up my butt with a reed" to "Stone That Homo Demon!!!" just because someone got a little handsy between cleanings.

Because nothing says "spiritual enlightenment" like creeping on terrified young models

Or Michael's! Really, just anything-not-Hobby-Lobby.

Doesn't jizz in his eye, that we know of.

I am happy to hear that bisexuals are hugely endowed. I hope they use it well, and touch many people.

So I'm completely uninformed (not American, not that excuses me though) but it seems like when the leaking exposes torture of non-Americans in violation of international law, it's treason, but when it exposes spying on Americans, it's heroism? I'm missing nuance though, aren't I?

Oh, but the thousands, if not millions, of lives the American government were destroying...that's not dangerous at all. After all, the American government was just destroying the lives of millions of brown people. Their lives being in constant danger already was not important. Let's only worry about the lives of

Wait a second, they used John 8 as a supportive argument for stoning gays? Bible lesson for the day, everyone!

I'll do my best to keep up with dismissing comments, but DO NOT feed the trolls, friends~

"What goes into a man's mouth does not make him 'unclean,' but what comes out of his mouth, that is what makes him 'unclean.'"

And that's ok with the whole "Let he who is without sin throw the first stone" how, exactly?