Ten Earth Imps

Clashes like this can be resolved perfectly simply: pistols at dawn. Name your second, Wacklemore.

What if they've lost weight because they're sick or severely depressed?

"Stop being such a fucking bully and shitting on other humans just because your wounded-ego feels like taking a dump."


"You: blond, slicked hair, hipsterish. You manage to be both tasteless and sanctimonious, and something tells me you brag about loving Bukowski even though you only made it 80 pages deep into Women."


Anyone who stands up to subway assholes (especially in Boston) deserves a goddamn medal.

i'm gonna go with real. there are far too many dookiestain dudes in boston (i used to refer to them as dudebros but glad I know their official name now). this brand of boston brash bros think its their duty to tell you how to live your life. Headphones are a must for Boston public transpo unless you want so

They are!

Thank you. There are a few people here who label themselves as PWD, so I have been trying to follow their lead on this. Like all language in regards to marginalised groups, these terms are evolving and sometimes very complicated.

As a professional advocate for disabled people*, let me just say thank you for taking the time to think about that side of things, especially since no one could blame you for just thinking about your own safety.

My biggest frustration is when they already have single toilet, single person, bathrooms, and then gender the damn things. Why? Just why? I keep writing places like Jamba Juice to ask why they can't just put the signs up in a non-gendered way.

I absolutely love this post, and I agree with you completely. I think too many people think the magical answer is a single gender-neutral bathroom for All Teh People, with zero segregated options. But SORRY GOOD MENZ, I don't trust the 6% of the male population who are rapists not to sexually assault me. (And I'm a

Here's the thing, though... all that guy did was increase the number of times he went out on a date. The fact that it took him the better part of 100 "first dates" is indicative of how little what he did actually refined the process.

My boyfriend and I don't agree on our answers to all of these questions but you know what, we're going to make it anyway. We're going to do it the same way our grandparents' generation did by just sucking it up and sticking together out of spite all the way though the lovey-dovey stage, into the annoyed stage, and

While playing with language can be fun, doing so is impolite when the other party to the conversation is more interested in precision of communication than delving into meanings and ambiguity. In such cases, the polite thing to do add further explanation of what you meant, rather than enter a discourse on the correct

They just reconceptualized the spelling, Callie. They're progressive like that.

I don't think so at all. Yes, some of the bad guys were poor, but some were very, very rich- and true to life they are the ones who got away with it. I think the show showed a pretty equal balance of people living in middle class environments as well as poor. Besides, it's set in the south. Stereotype or not, there is

That's one thing that mystifies me. Larger women have more of a need to actually try on clothes than thin women. There's more variation in size 16 bodies than there is in size 6 bodies, and larger women are more likely to have to assemble separates in different sizes. Yet, larger women are the ones who are prevented

Think of it like Bitcoin but for feminists.

Reasons why I don't go the mall as much? I'm a size 18. That means stores like the Gap and Forever 21 refer me to online shopping experiences. So ya did it to yourself store.

Now playing

Can't leave this clip out if we're talking McConaughey.