Ten Earth Imps

I cry bad influence! Friends don't let friends hang out with Terry Richardson.

Shailene still has The Fault in our Stars coming up, at the very least, that movie's indie cred is about as impeccable as them come.

Fuck Twilight. I got into a family argument over that shit when I voiced my opinion about how horrible it is; both the story and the writing. I can't believe people ever liked it. It makes me nauseous to think about it.

Yeah, but you can write a book addressing that dynamic without throwing yourself wholeheartedly into endorsing it.

To protect and serve and rape? Jesus. I remember being pulled over in the boonies on my way home by a CHP and I would only crack the window enough to slip my driver's license through. He said, "I stopped you for speeding." I said, "I realize that, but I'm a woman driving alone on a deserted highway and I had no idea

This happens a lot in my city, sometimes it's reported and sometimes it's buried but errbody knows. Don't call the police, don't trust the police.

Yeah, I was pretty much not finding it cute for this exact reason.

After spending 2 hours in a Kindergarten class today, I can unequivocally tell you: This is not cute. Nope. Not even little.

Cute, until you wonder where he picked it up.

You must not like children or old folks enough. Try harder.

I read all the books about making tasty dishes. But does my husband even take a single correspondence course that could lead to a promotion at work? No.

Here's me as he leaves, ,"Are you going to the liquor store? Can you get tequila?" This is why I would be no good in that time period.

Or actor.

Probably to get a hand job from a radio actress in the back bar.

Poor Betty. I find her a really interesting study in how choice ends up interweaving with cultural expectations. She had a couple of points on the show where she could have chosen to be someone different and to reclaim some of the identity she'd lost. She passed on them, it was incredibly frustrating, but then I end

Speaking of "Mad Men", before she married, Betty was not only a bilingual fashion model who lived on her own in Rome for a while, but also had a degree In anthropology. Think of that the next time you see a rerun of Bets defrosting the freezer and putting in new shelf paper while slugging red wine.

Bigoted, Bombastic Idiot SLAMS Transphobic, Bombastic Idiot

You nailed both of them.

I think maybe he was tweeting during the commercial break? And totally ignored her like those assholes who check their phones while you're trying to have a conversation. That's what I got out of it.

He's a pompous, disrespectful blowhard who countenances spying and bullies guests. She a racist shit-stirrer who thinks she's advancing feminism by trolling and throwing other women she doesn't like under the bus, and then asking for dudebro points for being so "edgy" and "an equal opportunity offender". So I come