Ten Earth Imps

I’d guess the relationship was staged to try to keep him on track and diffuse the constant rumors that he was still doing drugs. She was his drug beard.

I was sympathetic when he died, but yeah, why are we still hearing about him in connection to something she’s trying to sell to me? I think not.

I don’t know. Lately I’ve been thinking I want to do exactly what Mischa did - just fucking lose my mind in the yard, ranting and raving about crazy stuff. The world is fucking off kilter and I’d like a break.

Her transphobia is based on bio-essentialism, which is the foundation for all of her feminist theory, so it filters upward. It may not have been overt in the subjects you were reading.

The threads of her bio-essentialism and transphobia color all of her work, and ultimately undermine cisgender women’s bodily autonomy rights as well. Read some modern feminist critique of Greer if you have not already.

Yeah, she’s wrong about pretty much everything, because there are threads of bio-essentialism and anti-trans thought throughout her theory. She’s been pretty thoroughly debunked by modern feminists.

Her academia is tainted by her extreme transphobia, and it colors her feminism. If this is where you’re getting feminist theory, tred carefully.

Lucas is repentant now, when Bosma threatened him. But not until his job was at stake.

Add Senator Jim Lucas and Senator Jack Sandlin, both from Indiana, to the list. Both of them posted misogynist facebook memes in response to the march:

No, it’s that he tried to hide the slave ownership in his ancestry - he strong-armed the show into not discussing it because he was ashamed. It was pretty shady how he went about it; look up some of the articles on it.

Thank you for that link - I knew I’d read it but couldn’t find it to share on twitter, so I’m spreading it around liberally.

Why can’t Michael see the obvious, which is this is a way to rehab bad people? Eleanor improved, and Tahani did as well. Chidi started making decision a little bit. Like why bother with bad places if you can make progress getting people fixed up so they fit in the good place?

I was totally taken aback by the twist ending, although I had pieced some of it together. I did get that Tahani wasn’t the perfect character that she was made out to be - too vain, to self-serving, too obsessed with status. And Chidi’s indecision seemed really frustrating. I just assumed that “even perfect people have

I firmly believe that people should be checking in with her to see if she needs to go to a women’s shelter. Given what we’ve heard from his first two wives, I think she could be in danger.

I work for a division of one of the big five publishers, but not S&S. When this deal was announced, we in the LGBT employee of our company made it known that similar deals for alt-Right authors would not sit well with something like that. Conservative authors are one thing. Neo-Nazis are another thing entirely.

And yes, I have read Sexual Personae, Sex Art and American Culture, Vamps and Tramps, The Birds, Glittering Images. I bought them all used so she didn’t get any income from my pocket for them. I’ve read her work, and I think she’s ridiculous.

PAGLIA IS NOT A FEMINIST. She’s a contrarian and a provocateur, but she’s never stood up for women ever, and most people stopped saying feminist about her in the late 90s. How did Jezebel get this one so wrong?

Nope. Jail time. I’ll just go ahead and decide on that plea on behalf of the prosecutor and victims.

Ah - there we go - none of the medical care she needs is “elective” any more than it’s elective for me. But you referring to it as “elective” is where your transphobia becomes clear. As Dr. Donna says, own your bigotry, because that’s what it is.