Ten Earth Imps

What personal liberties are you claiming she’s asking for? She’s asking to have a woman’s hair style. Women’s underwear. Her own name and pronouns. Medical treatment that is appropriate for her gender.

I’ve been fortunate to see several cool hard news articles from Teen Vogue come across my facebook feed from LGBT youth who are sharing them, so I was aware enough to get a subscription for our local LGBT youth group.

She is not asking for any special privileges and never has been. She’s a woman, and she’s asking to be treated like a woman. They are not treating her like a woman, and they are going out of their way to be abusive in treating her like a man.

I’m of two minds. When Kanye did it... he was making about point about recognition of African American artists, which... valid, except that it’s really hard to make that case against Taylor Swift, who is roughly in the same stratosphere as Bey is, frankly, when it comes to talent. If it had been Beyonce losing to any

As a transgender person, I expect the law to treat me the same as any cisgender person. My treatment should not be “lesser than” and what’s happening to her is most definitely “lesser than.” And it’s psychological abuse.

Chelsea is not being treated the way that cisgender women in her circumstances are treated. She’s in solitary confinement, she is not allowed to dress or grow her hair the way that other women in her prison are, she’s not allowed appropriate medical care, she’s not called by her actual legal name and correct pronouns.

Case in point:

Teen Vogue has been killing it with the hard news around this election, frankly. I almost want to get a subscription just to encourage them.

Kelly Clarkson named her Tesla SUV “Castle” because she loves the former TV show Castle.”

This - constantly posting “massive GOP voter suppression fraud” and “GOP fraudulent voter suppression” need to be our buzzwords for the next two years, along with links to voter suppression stories. They can spam their false stories, so we need to be spamming our true stories.

Trump’s success could very well be the end of my family, me out of a job, me with no health care. I’m not rooting for him to succeed at that.

Let’s see, the last time the GOP was in power, we got a major terror attack, two disastrous wars totaling trillions of dollars, a destabilized middle east and a economic disaster that tanked the world economy.

Girls who read! What a novel concept! Who knew we could train ‘em up that way?!

I have half a draft of it written, but I’m working on something else transgressive for NaNoWriMo right now.

That’s a bummer. Didn’t know that.

I don’t want to fuck Harrison Ford. I want to *be* Harrison Ford.

Thank god for injectable testosterone. I get closer every day.

This story could be turned on it’s head and made into a feminist tale, ala Wicked, but of course why try to see a different narrative.

The explanation they give about those sorts of contracts is that it’s about maintaining editorial integrity or trying to keep canon. At least that’s the excuse a lot of the time. I can’t imagine trying to track all those divergent storylines, though.

You may have a point there. Math is not my strong suit this morning.

Don’t know how he missed it. He had the perfect example in 1930s Germany