Ten Earth Imps

This is exactly what she said:

There was is a fun site called "Bangable Dudes from History" once upon a time that featured bios of hot guys (and ladies) from olden times who were sponge-worthy. Hasn't been updated in a while, but still fun.

That was the thinking when it aired, but apparently there was a line in the script that got cut for TV where he was suggesting that she could just get some fake blood and fake her virginity when she got married. So apparently there was p-in-v with Pamuk.

During the first season, there was much suggestion that the sex was p-in-a, for some reason. Dunno why people were thought that, but there were many people expressing that opinion. Folks below reminded me why; Pamuk suggested "there are ways to ensure you are still a virgin..." to Mary.

Wow. He certainly speaks the language of the criminal that doesn't own the crime he committed, doesn't he?

"The full context of her statement is much more interesting I think" - yeah, I agree. I'm reading her book and in context, all the bull crap said about her doesn't make much sense. It's a few people cherry-picking her words and interpreting them in a really disingenuous way, and then a whole lot of people repeating

I'm not at all sure that this is actually happening. It's been covered here quite a bit on Jezebel, and Kat Callahan did a great piece on it. It's conceivable that he isn't transitioning at all and that his facial appearance has to do with his aging. Men do have less testosterone as they age and their faces tend to

No, Jezebel doesn't think any of these stories are true. They post them simply to mock them, usually because they've covered the stories at one time or another from a feminist point of view. There have been several excellent take downs on Jezebel of the tabloids being asses to Bruce Jenner.

I'm not talking about zoned parking, which most people are aware of in Chicago. Indianapolis does not have zoned parking at all anywhere. I'm talking about regular residential streets. Every single one of them in Indianapolis is covered by the "adjacent properties get preferred parking" ordinance. And in Chicago,

Plastic surgery, combined with getting older and probably having less testosterone. It's not that unusual for older guys to have more feminine faces as they age - check out recent pictures of Paul McCartney, David Bowie, Keith Richards, Mick Jagger. They all have softer, less angular faces now.

And also because there's no evidence the Bruce is transitioning, and if he is it's not a shameful tabloid secret.

Actually, as I explained to JosephFinn - here in Indianapolis where I live, there is a city ordinance that says spots in front of adjacent residential property are reserved for specifically for residents of that property, so the spots in front of my house are indeed legally "mine."

Actually - I live in Indianapolis. Our city ordinances say the spots in front of residential property are actually reserved for the residents of the adjacent property. I believe there are similar ordinances in Chicago for residential streets.

No. If I clean out a space in front of my house, it's mine to park in. Clean out a space in front of your own if you want one.

"But some tolerance is needed..."

Yeah, this problem would have been less if we had an actual trans woman playing the role, that's for sure.

It's not a fictional character, though. It's actually me, and every other trans person. That's why the character is even onscreen, and why we're having this discussion in this article here. Trans men and women are real people, and we matter. Getting our gender right is the point. I get your gender right, so have the

She may have already had transition related medical procedures, or she may have other insurance that covers it. Surgery is really irrelevant here. That's what I and the other commenters are trying to say. When you hear the word "transgender" don't automatically think "surgery." That's really something that non-trans

If you read Lena Dunham's memoir, you can suss out that much of the oddball stuff that she and Adam get up to in bed actually happened. Adam is a bit of a composite character of a couple of different boyfriends that she eventually came to realize didn't treat her very well.