Ten Earth Imps

I'm going to totally counterpoint pretty much every Allison Williams post from now on - she's hot, and I would totally motorboat her ass. I haven't seen this episode yet - thanks Sunday evening television scheduling jam - but when I do, I'm going to be turned on for certain.

What? I know they do. It's one of the things I and many others keep trying to correct.

They weren't being asked to pay for any medical transition. They are being sued because they were demanding she dress and act like a man when she isn't one.

As another trans person - what on earth are you talking about? I don't understand why you are taking offense to this, unless you are misunderstanding the meaning of the word "class" as it's being used in this context. If you're objecting because the word might be considered derogatory in a different context, then

A good chunk of those "women" were the sock puppet accounts of MRAs, though. There was at least one group tracking them, because they have ready made accounts to attack other women on twitter as though they are feminists, but if you look closely at what they're saying, it's all hyperbolic ad absurdum stuff meant to

But they still do need to be able to connect with the proper emotional states to be able to portray them well, and I can tell you gender dysphoria has never been portrayed properly onscreen by any cis people. They do a good job with handling the "how do I deal with a society that doesn't want me" but the actual

Wow. I hadn't seen that explanation for why Tambor was cast before. I get what she's saying... but no, I don't think those are good reasons to cast him.

Could be... or someone is offended by Adultosaur's love of Taylor Swift.

You might remind your mom that she's not losing a son, she's gaining a daughter. Your sister isn't dead, she's just growing differently as a person than your parents originally expected when she was born.

I would probably put the answer thusly: "I was assigned the gender of female at birth, but I don't really fit into the strict gender binary and I'm transitioning my appearance to be more masculine, as I lean toward feeling more masculine of center. My transition will include some hormones and surgical interventions to

"Now what we need is more transgender men. We need more male voices in the transgender community, and that will happen."

My friend Rachel has a pretty assertive but effective response to the "are you in the wrong bathroom?" question (not that it has happened to her in years).


Honestly, Dan Savage is a pretty big shithead when it comes to trans issues - especially when it comes to trans teens and how they identify, so anything he has to say about Leelah should be fucking ignored as pandering after a tragedy.

The thing is - it's tough partly because of a society that doesn't accept and find the beauty in people who don't fit conventional beauty standards of "what men or women should look like."

Christine, I'm beginning my transition at age 46. It's been really, really hard, but I'm starting, and I think I can do it. I have a good friend who is also starting to transition, and a co-worker my age who began her transition just last year. It is never, never, never too late. If you haven't been to a counselor,

My lesbian friends are fine with them holding hands. Don't be hand-hold haters. It's the season of Peace, Love and Holding Hands with Your Platonic Friends Because You Can.