Ten Earth Imps

Yup. Boi Allison Williams is my spirit animal. I hope she has some swagger though. Because Marnie is def lacking in the swag department. We shall see.

Look, though - these are medical professionals who should have all the basic info about ebola, and they are caught unaware that they have been infected. If people who should be pretty clear on whether they've been exposed can be caught unaware and do some traveling that they should be more cautious about, how are

Thank you for this. I've always been really disturbed by what happened to her, and thought that there should have been much greater outrage at the completely sexist and manipulative stuff she was put through.

Um, I don't listen to Track 3 on repeat because it's ten seconds of silence. When it's an actual song, hopefully I'll listen to it on repeat. As one does with T-Swizzle songs.

The pre-order auto-download theory is the correct one. I did not purchase Track 3 by itself, but it's in my library because I pre-ordered the album the other day.

Here's a thing that has always bugged me - if Ken Starr tried to do today what he did to Monica Lewinsky back then, he would be absolutely crucified, and justifiably so. He basically criminally confined her away from her family and any legal counsel, with little to no evidence she did anything criminal at all. He

Not to mention she was a pawn in a bullshit GOP power game that had fuck-all to do with anything about running the government. Neither she nor Clinton should have had to endure one second of what happened to them. It was totally unnecessary horse shit that had a real impact on the real lives of average ordinary people

Nope, they confirmed recently that they're going with the New 52 origin.

Yeah, in this half-baked origin story she is. It's... lacking in imagination.

They won't. They're going with the more recent New 52 story line where Wonder Woman is a daughter of Zeus.

Look for trades when Greg Rucka, Gail Simone or George Perez were the writers. All of them are more interesting story lines. And I'm partial to the original William Marston series, too.

With the New 52 origin story "daughter of Zeus" instead of the more feminist "molded from clay and given life to protect and avenge abused women" origin story. So, no thanks. I'll start enjoying Wonder Woman again when she's actually Wonder Woman and not some Xena knock-off with a "humanist" agenda instead of a

Holy shit. My hair looks better than Beyoncé's hair. Damn. I'm putting that on the calendar.

I think there's more at stake here than just medical jargon, though. When you're talking about trans narratives and you're one of the few people out there telling these stories, getting the story wrong means that you've given incorrect information that can shape people's attitudes for years to come, which has real

I'd prefer to see a trans writer/producer guiding the production of trans stories, rather than cis women. They're both getting it close to right, but Soloway's point that a trans voice can articulate their experience better than cis voices is absolutely true. It's hard to explain gender dysphoria unless you've dealt

Yeah, we still get less cash, even when we're childless and beyond childbearing years, so this is basically just a bullshit excuse.

Huh. I do see a lot of genderqueer and genderfluid identities on tumblr, but that's the only place. I'm struggling with the lack of understanding of gender non-binary identities in my own community in the midwest, including with my own therapist and endocrinologist. And of course from my friends, who are anxious to

Yep - I did in another reply on this thread.

Here is what GLAAD's media guide says about "transsexual" (written with trans people's advice):

I would actually not recommend the two books I'm reading if you are wanting to get closer to understanding trans patients - because they are written over 20 years ago, their understanding and terminology is really far off. They're interesting in the sense of covering a whole lot of historical accounts of FTM gender