Baby photos:
Baby photos:
More evidence:
Pullleeease. The world's cutest dog owns ME, and is worth eleventy hundred billion dollars.
And the differences are so much more rigid than they were 40 years ago! I had a cowboy hat and toy guns the same as my older brother. He had a baby doll and played mommy and house with me. We both had stuffed animals and toy soldiers and lincoln logs and books. He played with my Barbies. He didn't have his own, but he…
Apparently, everything is a crime worthy of bodily injury or death these days. Jesus.
He wishes he were Beyoncé, too.
The NFL had about a billion compelling reasons not to react with horror when seeing the video, until the public's reaction threatened their compelling reasons. The prosecutor I can't say, except that the typical law enforcement response to intimate partner violence is pretty tone-deaf to the reality of women's…
Mostly, people were upset that he was driving drunk for safety reasons, and they were concerned about Irsay's well being. The media was really all up in his grill, and people thought that other than the drunk driving issue, delving so deeply into his addiction history was pretty harsh. The guy is pretty likeable and…
Good thing, since the Indiana Pacer's player Paul George was openly supporting Ray Rice on twitter (and then retracting his statements deleting his tweets after being talked to by Pacers managment). (link to IndyStar article.)
Here's a pretty good timeline of how people reacted before and after the video, right here on the Gawker Media. And Mother Jones does an excellent breakdown of why seeing the video changed peoples minds - the power of images.
I'll just be over here, writing all the Rory/Paris fan fiction.
Also, maybe this jackass should address the "no spitting" rule we need in place, as well as the "no looming over women in the corners of elevators intimidating them."
You could dismiss that troll rather than reply to him.
Not surprising - there are hundreds of talent LGBT actors & performers in Hollywood. They can be found waiting tables at your favorite high-end restaurant, while straight cis people play all the parts of LGBT people onscreen.
Babeland and GoodVibes didn't exist back then, so yeah, I would have humped the dryer too. Vibration is vibration.
What I found alarming was the transcripted conversation of the hotel employee -
But are you going to address my points at all? People had one understanding of what happened before they saw the videos. Lots of false tropes about intimate partner violence were being bandied about - clichés that get thrown around to excuse and diminish violence against women were being used all over the place.
Not when there is public misunderstanding of what happened. It's very easy to dismiss what he did until you *see* it - we're so used to the idea of one person punching another that we don't particularly think it's a big deal, especially when we hear that "she hit him, too." But the video shows starkly that that…
A bit of googling gives me an NPR article with an Argentinian psychologist who uses around that number, but no indicators of where she arrived at it: