Ten Earth Imps

I do that all the time! It's the curse of the introverted bookworms. All read-y, no speak-y. :)

"de-new-ma(n?)" - my mom says it without the n, and one online pronunciation guide has it, and one doesn't. I believe my English teacher mom. You can hear it pronounced on dictionary.com

WTF? Why would you want Guardians of the Galaxy without ALL of the Guardians? Like, the point of the whole friking movie was that ALL of them had to be there.

Ugh. Comics purists would be horrified. Hell, comics purists were horrified by the Supes / Wonder Woman hook up. To incest-y. They're way too much like siblings. And Wonder Woman wouldn't put of with Batman's angsty bullpucky for a minute. She's kick his ass and make him go to therapy.

It's not relevant at all. The officer who shot Mike Brown had no knowledge of what had occurred in the convenience store. The police had no knowledge of it, even. The incident wasn't reported to the police at all. They only discovered it when they tried to retrace Mike Brown's steps to figure out what he was doing

I'm glad that the "feminists" who exclude trans women are a small (but unfortunately vocal) minority, and that young feminists are rejecting that model of feminism. TERFs are dinosaurs, and they're increasingly being challenged by cis feminists who care about working with trans women and trans men to think about

Oh, man. I hate being that guy, but... I wish they'd get on board with using reusable water bottles on the Downton set instead of plastic. I know, even I'm annoyed at myself for thinking it, but... It's just so much better for the environment.

I'm paraphrasing here, which is probably why it sounds like a parody anecdote. These are different discussions held at different times, and the women involved haven't all be active in the community at the same time or working in concert with one another. I'm condensing for the sake of discussion, because I don't want

I think it has a lot to do with being in the midwest in a red state. There are three trans women who are active in the feminist community here, and while they aren't in lock-step with each other, they do have some common arguments. They feel that the feminist movement is being fractured and undermined by the focus on

I know that some folks claim that these sorts of discussions from trans women are "rare" and a "minority of a minority". But I've been caught in the cross-fire of arguments like this from trans women in feminist spaces that welcome them here in my hometown. I've seen these arguments first hand. Like it or not, cis

We totally have a voice for our dog, too! He mostly mocks our intelligence, in league with the cats. And we found out our friends also have a voice for their dog, who apparently has a slight but adorable lisp.

Yay! I needed a tiny puppy bath today. Just in time.

Among others, probably female sex workers who have customers that refuse condoms.

Oh, I definitely don't respond to them, and dismiss them when they reply to me. It's just so hard to ignore. I love Jezebel comments; I've had some really amazing conversations with people here. I'd have for that to all fall apart, because people don't want to hang out anymore. I'm happy to pitch in to keep this a

He's a troll. Click on his name and see the list of comments he's made. He definitely needs to be banned.

If Jezebel needs help zapping the spammers, I'd be willing to volunteer. Anything to knock these jerks out.

Odd how his expression was so constant while everything changed around him. I tend to have different facial expressions from one day to the next. :)

People seem to think National Parks are Disneyland, where everything has been made safe for you (relatively speaking). It's not - it's nature; the wild. If you don't have respect for it, it won't respect you.

Third generation Polish / German American. Don't remember it being an ethnic thing, but my family definitely said it growing up.

I did the same thing to kids playing UNDER the railing at the Grand Canyon. I told them to get back inside the railing and not to play, while their parents were farting around doing nothing. Then the parents looked at me like "who the hell are you." I said "I'm the person who doesn't want to watch your kids fall of a