Ten Earth Imps

Ah, I should have read the threads first. I just commented that I read this book on the way back from the grand canyon and it scared me just as much as it would have if I'd read it before.

This happens fairly regularly at the Grand Canyon, according to the book Death in the Grand Canyon, which I purchased at the gift shop at the El Tovar hotel. I read it on the train back to Williams and nearly peed my pants at some of the stories. Terrifying.

It might be intended to be unisex, but that's definitely not the way that copy reads. Pretty much everyone would misunderstand it in the way we did, so it's pretty crappy marketing if that's what they intended.

Yeah, I was just popping in to say - how heteronormative of Gaga.

We had a laundry chute in our house at the time Webster was on, so we were super proud that we could drop our clothes into the chute and they would land in a basket in the basement. We were so cool.

"Is it possible that your distaste of appearing as a woman comes from a distaste of being cast by observers into the role of "woman?"

I think you might be referring to my post, so let me clarify - I definitely don't have body dysmorphia. I have gender dysphoria. They are different. I look in the mirror and see a female body, with round hips & thighs, large breasts and arms with some muscular shape only because I'm relentless about lifting weights,

That last one was covered in the Disney orgy drawing from years ago.

I think it's possible that the genitalia is an afterthought with me. Like, my physical form is so off, that I don't particularly pay attention to my genitals, unless I'm having sex. I wonder if once I transition further whether I might have more dysphoria about my genitals than I do now.

"Although it has been posited by some that the so-called "elimination" of gender will lead to a lack of sex dysphoria since sex will no longer be tied to the personal aspect of identity we now recognise as gender, I am not so sure. "

Yep. That company has been around for quite awhile.

I like that he's sitting on the bed. Where you have all the worst porn read to you, of course. Because of course you're going straight to sexy times after reading this to each other.

There were a couple of interviews with him in which he seemed like a pretty big jerk, though. Like, super judgemental of stuff that he had no right to be. Sadly I don't have links.

I started liking Logan when he changed his name and went to work with Alicia Florrick. Before that I thought he was kind of a turd.

Whereas, this was *really* common during my high-school years in the 80s, and is still pretty common today, according to the local LGBT youth group in my city.

That was sort of my point about flaws - I am only guessing that the drinking and gambling of Moss' character aren't just because she likes drinking and gambling and we'll find out they're motivated by being molested as a kid or something. It's a safe bet, because they seem to do that to female characters all the time,

I haven't seen it. I skipped it because the synopses I read of the TV show suggested that the female detective was relegated to the background and wasn't as strong a character as Marge was. After the season wound up there were some poor reviews of it as being problematic, so I didn't put it on my list of things to get

Yep; that's the story line of The Killing Joke. Batgirl gets shot & raped by the Joker to drive her father crazy. That's how she ended up becoming the wheelchair-bound computer genius Oracle for x-number of years, before they decided she no longer needed to be in a wheelchair. But while they ret-conned the wheelchair

I think we've seen it so much it's boring. And there's a huge difference between "dark and broody because my family..." and "dark and broody because I have PTSD from my own assault."