Ten Earth Imps

I actually named a compelling, beloved lead character that fits my criteria. Marge Gunderson was interesting, but not because of some internal trauma. It was an non-mental, physical characteristic - her pregnancy - that made her an interesting and unusual hero. It was a cool creative decision that left her agency

I'm just going to go down the thread and reply the same thing to everyone - "dark shit that happened to family members" is not at all the same thing as "dark shit that happened to me" as far as motivation. That's exactly what I'm referencing when I mentioned the The Hero's Journey vs. the distaff version of The Hero's

I'm just going to go down the thread and reply the same thing to everyone - "dark shit that happened to family members" is not at all the same thing as "dark shit that happened to me" as far as motivation. That's exactly what I'm referencing when I mentioned the The Hero's Journey vs. the distaff version of The Hero's

I'm just going to go down the thread and reply the same thing to everyone - "dark shit that happened to family members" is not at all the same thing as "dark shit that happened to me" as far as motivation. That's exactly what I'm referencing when I mentioned the The Hero's Journey vs. the distaff version of The Hero's

I'm just going to go down the thread and reply the same thing to everyone - "dark shit that happened to family members" is not at all the same thing as "dark shit that happened to me" as far as motivation. That's exactly what I'm referencing when I mentioned the The Hero's Journey vs. the distaff version of The Hero's

Honestly, if you think the character I'm describing is Rory Gilmore, you lack some imagination. Especially given that I actually named an example of a character that's both interesting, universally loved and falls into the characterization I described.

I applaud the choice of Moss after seeing her on Top of the Lake. But...


The Bruce Jenner joke got an eyebrow raise from me.

Yeah, Indianapolis is one of those very fragmented communities where there are gay guy bars and lesbian bars and never the two shall meet, with the exception of the dance/drag bar having a lesbian night. Some gay men are openly sexist toward women. Some women are openly hostile to gay men. It can suck when you have

Not at the Grand Canyon. They are so used to being fed by tourists they'll run right up to you and let you pet them. We have video of a tourist holding one in his lap and cuddling with it while feeding it cheetos. Not that we endorse feeding cheetos to wildlife, but...

And the squirrels there interact with tourists so much they are completely unafraid of them and come up to beg for food, sadly. This little guy probably thought someone was going to share chips with him like they do every other day at this tourist attraction.

Gender identity anti-discrimination laws are usually worded specifically to overrule dress codes.

Not uncommon in the past in Indianapolis at the leather bar. Women and anyone in drag were routinely turned away in the past, as were twinks if they could get away with it.

My wife and I have the same first and middle names, so any last-name change like this wouldn't be an option. When we got married, people asked if we were going to hyphenate, and we looked at them with raised eyebrows until they thought it through...

I know! Turn the phone! I say this to my wife constantly and she never listens.

Heck, if you get to go yarn shopping with T-swizzle, I will teach you how to knit beforehand, so you can be all "yeah, I will make you a scarf, T."

"abused" it, or made colorful commentary on it. That could be looked at a couple ways. :)

I'm rather lucky in that we have a local compounding pharmacy. It's fairly new, but they do quite a bit of business for trans patients in town.