Ten Earth Imps

I suggested on that thread about them that PDAs are *perfectly acceptable* for some couples.

In these cases, public displays of affection are just fine.

Also, I was a bit confused on the details - this shooting didn't involve automatic weapons. The other two gun incidents during the fireworks the same evening were the automatic weapons. This one was just .45s.

In this case they were, but that isn't true of all of the recent gun violence in Indianapolis. Lots of white people disrespecting each other in the city as well and carrying out vendettas.

Yep - Here's a link. Indianapolis has been having a surge of this sort of gun violence lately - some of it is gang-related, but lots of it is just young kids who are pissed about people "disrespecting" them. But guns are everywhere. We're a state with really loose laws about private purchases at gun shows, so guns are

Hell, at least they were just using pots and pans. Two people bumped into each other on the street in Indianapolis this past weekend, got in an argument about who's fault it was, and hauled out the automatic weapons, injuring 7 people.

Hey, you know it would be a lot easier to dismiss trolls if the authors dismissed them on the main article. Like AllenLPN down there at the bottom of the page.

Strange headline. There are 10 women in the photo. No matter how many are celebrities - that's not more than most people can count.

Yes; fortunately we're both in therapy individually and as a couple, so I have great professional people to talk to. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to be getting us through all this intact as a couple. It's hard to see where we'll be in the future.

As I'm coming out as a trans person, and my wife is reacting to that in a way that is authentic for her as a lesbian (badly, but I understand) she's been increasingly vocal about her crush on Sasha Alexander, who plays Maura Isles on Rizzoli & Isles.

This makes me a bit paranoid, as Sasha Alexander is pretty much the

You are wrong, and so is "long time transvestite and LGBT advocate RuPaul." It's been established numerous times that RuPaul is wrong and offensive to trans people. We pretty much all say so, across the board.

That is a really wonderful way to think about it. You're right; either way you win, because you tried.

Benadryl spray, followed by cortisone cream worked for me for awhile, but eventually I had to go to urgent care and just get prednisone.

Because no one seems to dismiss trolls anymore, I think. I really wish they would.

Yes, and claim to be Wiccan. I'm in.

Not to be an arm chair psychologist, but a lot of what he does reminds me of the two people I know who are bipolar when they are off their medication.

Okay, but can I perform the hat trick of getting North Korea to threaten to declare war on me while simultaneously insulting any/all Seth Rogan movies?

My wife and I are now legally married according to Indiana. To celebrate (we were married in Canada in 2008) we went to the county clerk's office and handed out roses to all of the couples getting married. We quickly ran out - 219 couples were married yesterday in Marion County, and there are 300 more in line today.

That's not sarcasm. That's racist, sexist, anti-gay, anti-trans trolling from an MRA asshole.

MRA guy? Is that you? Knock this shit off. You know we don't believe crap like this.