Ten Earth Imps

That's been my wife's experience, too. She looks at the reviews very carefully on sizing.

Wow, I feel bad for this kid. He seems to be really on top of gender identity stuff, but he's just fourteen and has R. Kelly as a parent. That really blows. I hope there's someone there looking out for him.

Absolutely, yes. Jay is openly discussing the steps he is taking to transition - hormones, binders and medical and social markers are all part of his answers.

Knowledge is power. That's certainly subject to debate, for one thing. For another - is what you have actually knowledge? And why do you need power over the people you're potentially dating?

I described in another thread on this article how my appendicitis was misdiagnosed as gall stones because I am female and it was just "more likely" given my age and weight. They drugged me up with morphine, didn't do an ultrasound of my appendix, even though I insisted that's what it was, and sent me home, where my

In 2003, I went to the hospital with acute pain in my lower right quadrant. I told them I was having appendicitis when I walked in the door, when I saw the doctor, when I talked to the nurses. Despite my insistence, they gave me morphine, decided I had gall stones based on being 1) female, 2) in my late 30s 3) being

Except that there are a number of trans hate murders that specifically involve burning the body of the murdered person (often a woman) - because the murderer claimed to be "horrified" at being "deceived" about the woman's physical body.

One happened right here in my home town. 17-year-old Nireah Johnson's body was set

If you start out from the beginning not giving someone the opportunity to be the best person they can be because you're already judging them from a past that you're only seeing through a very blurry window, you've shot yourself down right from the start.

I should have been more specific when I said "for a job" - meaning you're an employer or hiring manager and you're googling an employee. That shit is bogus, and there is almost no reasonable job-related excuse for doing it.

Wow. The thing is - if I found out anyone googled me as thoroughly as some of the folks are documenting in the comments, I wouldn't even speak to you, let alone go out with you. For a job, for a friendship, for dating - just because you CAN look someone up, doesn't mean you should. If I had your address, I wouldn't

I wish I'd thought of it. :)

No need for travel or visiting anyone. Simply click on the link and find out from the actual documents what Hobby Lobby claims. No real work required.

Yep. Left my dog at a fancy "boarding hotel" once and when I picked him up, he was terrified and has been afraid of other dogs ever since. Never again.

and the link to this tumblr is? Don't bogart the crazy; you can share.

Tightening the controls of private gun sales and keeping better track of high-powered firearms would have kept any gun out of this guys hands. We have massive holes in gun shows and private gun sales in some states and that's where all these guns are coming from.