Ten Earth Imps

Ugh. That's too bad. Given that FTM people are treated terribly and MTF are treated well and are not considered "third gender" this is decidedly not good news.

Yeah, I had that question, too. Is this recognizing trans women primarily?

Could you dismiss the troll, please? Hover over his comment and you'll see a down arrow in the upper right corner. click it and the dismiss link is there.

I found the article really compelling and had a long discussion of it with friends. There's a lot to unpack - but I do love the idea that what men display is actually over-confidence, rather than confidence, and that we've been accepting the wrong definition for the word for quite awhile in society. Men have a

I have this hair cut. Dang it. Now everyone will.

Yes and no... Kerman was a writer to begin with and wrote a fairly compelling story. She's also an prison reform activist with a respected background and history of advocacy work in that field, based on her experiences. It's pretty unlikely that the cashing in could work the other direction.

I think it's pretty notable that Wolters is trying to sell several books she has written; hence the interviews. This seems to be her attempt to cash in on the upcoming season.

Depends on what mail you're sending. I like to get stamps with creepy insects and spiders for when I mail my bills and income taxes. I save the pretty stamps for my mom. I can see sending the IRS an ass stamp.

Trans people have been writing about and objecting to the terminology used on Drag Race for all six years it's been on, and for many many years before the show aired they've been trying to request that RuPaul think about and reconsider his language. The objections are just now carrying weight because we have trans

Nope. It's a reference to vaginas "smelling like fish" and a sexist insult very often employed by gay men. I know gay men who have thrown the term around. They aren't friends.

Mentioned on another thread, but honey is expensive and corn syrup is cheap so they cut honey with corn syrup or sugar.

There is some (a little) literature out there from Rad-Fems who also dislike trans men and consider them betrayers of the female gender and defectors. There's an entire rad-fem blog dedicated to undermining trans men in their goal of transitioning successfully. They've successfully seeded google searches for

I'm 45 years old, and I've been a vocal, politically-active feminist for 30 of those years. But I'm beginning to transition because I've always had gender dysphoria, I've just never been able to express it given my family and background. So some of the responses here are striking me really wrongly. Of course I'm a

I like the ending of HIMYM just fine - I wish they had gotten us to that ending a bit differently. Instead of spending season 9 on the Barney/Robin wedding, have the wedding in the beginning, meet the mother and take the events of the last two episodes and spread them out over the season. It would have felt less

I believe it's available on Amazon Streaming Video. I have it on my "to watch" list.

That is stellar.

I don't think any voice is really a dealbreaker for me, but I am completely turned on by women with higher pitched voices - Billie Burke who played Glinda on the Wizard of Oz is one, and Kristen Chenoweth is another. I could listen to them all day.

I'm in virtually the same boat as you are, and working through some of the same questions. It's disconcerting that I'm educating my therapist on genderqueer issues at the same time I'm educating myself, because she is stuck in the strict binary mode. I'm concerned, too that my desire to take hormones and have a more

Someone really needed to be taller that day.

Jennifer Connelly and Emma Watson wore the same suit, so you know what that means. TIME FOR A CONNELLY/WATSON SANDWICH.