Ten Earth Imps

And to be a bit more explanatory - we can tell that Rayon was a trans character and not a drag queen because she dressed as a woman when she was not performing on a stage. Drag is a performance, but drag queens change clothes before they go home. Trans people live inside their identity.

I understand - I was mostly discouraged by the responses of all the cis people who replied to you. From what I understand of the character (Kat Callahan covered this quite a bit in her post on Leto's portray) the character was written as a trans person as they might have seen themselves in the 1980s. Many trans people

I agree with what you're saying here. But I do like that RPP is trying to tie Hobby Lobby to CU, because I think CU was misguided and if Hobby Lobby throws that into relief for SCOTUS, I'd be thrilled.

I personally was really bothered by the way he put it considering it in context with all his other remarks that are insensitive towards trans people, but I guess if all the cis people are weighing in that we trans folks shouldn't be offended... gosh that's good enough for me!

Kanye is in there. His reflection is just behind Kim. The mirror is further to the left than we initial think at first glance. I'm sure Annie created that arrangement on purpose to ensure that Kim was the center of the image.

I'm glad I wasn't spoiled for that one. I missed the live broadcast but when I saw a non-spoiler facebook reaction, I made sure I watch the episode in the morning while on the treadmill, because I realized I would get it spoiled for me if I didn't. I hadn't heard the marketing hype either, so I had no idea that was

Ironically, if he hadn't killed Will Gardner, Will could have gotten him off on some sort of mental breakdown defense for being falsely accused. I wonder why he shot at Will, and not the prosecutor - did he think Will wasn't trying hard enough?

We ran into this discussion on my neighborhood mailing list in our city. We have a ordinance where the cops are allowed to moonlight as security police - using city issued uniform, gun and police car. Works okay on a freelance basis for events and small businesses who need crowd control, but recently, the police got

Dear Wall Street Insanity list maker - this is why you can't get a girlfriend.

The secret's in the sauce.

#11 was funny, but #41 - #43 was when I spit out my drink.

I don't know about this club version, but the original is my trans coming out anthem, for sure. I've been singing this in the car every day.

Thanks for this - the third video sent me down a very pleasant avenue of exploring FTM transitions videos on Youtube where I learned a lot.

Guys - please start dismissing trolls rather than responding to them. The dismiss feature is under the arrow that appears at the top right of a post when you hover over it. The new commenting system has them out in force and it makes it a PITA to read comments at all.

Plus, what about people who are just turned off by porn in general? Most porn doesn't make me want to fuck anybody, regardless of gender. Written erotica is great, but video porn has to be really specific to turn me on.

I've been a part of the gay community for 25+ years. There are quite a few self-identified, openly gay men that I know who have expressed, at one time or another, the idea that it would be easier to stop dating men and start dating a woman because they would be in charge of the household and would have a greater say

So, if he married a woman, he would get his way all the time and "get to wear the pants." Sexist ass. Of course lots of gay men think this way - woman as a backup plan.

It's really odd to me that you could be posting on a feminist website and NOT have some strong feelings about those lyrics. Unless you don't spend a lot of time here and are just dropping by to defend the Beastie Boys, as seems to be the case for a lot of the commenters here.

Well, he was confident he could have argued the case successfully. Since I know him, I think I'll probably take his ideas more seriously that some dude who's not even willing to get a real account on gawker media.

#2 - TYPO. Geez, people. I write at the level of a college graduate. I'm allowed to make a typo here and there.