Ten Earth Imps

Um, these camera sticks have been around for a couple decades, guys. My dad had one for the polaroid camera back in the 1970s. Amazon has a few of them.

You feel that strongly about the really hateful sexist lyrics in the original of the song, though? Yes, the Beasties recanted the lyrics and changed their tune and vowed never to play the song in concert, but it's still for sale on iTunes and in commercial venues last time I checked, and they still make a bunch of

It's very much NOT the beasties song - it's an anti-sexism song based on their incredibly rude lyrics. They were doing the commercial as a social justice commentary on the song - the very sexist lyrics of the original and the transformative nature of their re-written lyrics alone justify this as a parody if there

That was the reason why my friend felt this should go to court - He was sure this would be the bright line needed to establish that some instances of commercial use could an acceptable instance of fair use - re-recording the music, re-writing the lyrics, and the transformative nature of the lyrics based on a social

Among other things - it was clearly parody, and they recorded their own music and wrote their own lyrics. They didn't show any indication of making it the sole or only branding for their product, it was a one-and-done deal. Also although it was a commercial use, it was only as advertising; they weren't actively trying

Okay guys - let me go over some of the relevant points since you guys have forgotten since we last discussed this -

What's wrong with that is that one guy's will, while a nice recognition of his intentions, isn't legally binding for copyright issues, among other things. It definitely isn't binding in issues of fair use, of which this was clearly one. I have a copyright lawyer friend who was chomping at the bit to get GoldieBlox

They actually did, if you look that up.

"but he does compare the sexual imagery in his work to that of Robert Mapplethorpe and Helmut Newton"

Also a bit of figuring out the right way to negotiate disagreements without being disrespectful of one another. That plus stubborn were what got my grandparents 60+ years of (mostly) happily ever after.

We're seeing that too in Indianapolis. I was scoffing at that because of winter here in the midwest, but as it turns out, I feel less claustrophobic than inside a mall.

Typecasting becomes a feminist issue when women are more often offered only roles of a type that they have played in the past, and when they are never considered for bigger or more challenging parts despite putting in years of work. Lena herself is making the point about typecasting and how women get boxed in and cut

I was super upset in the books about Bran because I LOVED book Bran, and I was horrified by book Jaime. But show Bran - you're right in your assessment above.

But can we aim the rocket launchers at the white guys for a while, PLEASE? Come on. Yes she should strive for diversity, but this is ridiculous. It's a circular firing squad where we shoot our own for not being precisely perfect about every intersectional issue and let the evil bastards run amok without any

That's a fairly generous way of saying that she's playing herself, actually, but still - no. It's really clear if you watch any interviews with her at all that Lena Dunham and Hannah Horvath are not the same person, and the Lena from Tiny Furniture is yet a third individual. There is a difference in the way they talk,

that's another thing thrown off by the colorizing of the photo, I think. In the video of the photo shoot on the VF article, their hair is all much more blonde. They reddened everyone's hair for the photo.

In the video it's more clearly medieval. It just looks odd in the photo because so much of it isn't in the shot.

I hated Jaime in the books and thought he was appalling, but show Jaime is my spirit animal. My dream self is some combination of Nikolaj Coster-Waldau and Samantha Swords.

Damn, should have looked further down in the comments for the answer to my question. I wonder if my wife and I can get in on this. I want our bio-babies, just to make the Pope's head explode. And my mom's.

There were scientists working on parthenogenesis back in the late 80s and early 90s. Wonder what ever happened to that...