Ten Earth Imps

Francis Capra is in that photo? I don't see him, and he's not listed in the caption. Also, I can't seem to find recent photos of him with hair - just child actor photos.

Really? I've never had any problem telling the difference between the two.

Just anyone reading.

From the few engagements online that I have had with TERFs, they seem to hate being called the term TERF (although it seems quite reasonable and fairly objective to me) which is why I added it to my mental catalog.

Hourou Musuko is absolutely wonderful and if you haven't read it, please do. It's translated into English and available many places including Amazon.com.

Punctuation errors on Collins' part. She meant:

So, do they just not shove guys onto that "stand and model" stage, or did this article only pick out the women to highlight?

Yeah, think that "we make more" has been debunked pretty thoroughly. Some segments of our community make more by virtue of being "double income no kids" but often that's because they fit into rigid male gender roles. Lesbians, trans people, gay men who don't fit masculine stereotypes don't make as much money.

Thank you - that is a spoiler I'd want to know before seeing it. I'll still watch, but I'm glad I know so I can be prepared.

You're making a good point about the era and about the evolution of understanding of trans women, gender identity and the trans* relationship to (and divergence from) drag as a performance art. Those are concepts that are more defined and differentiated now than they were in the 80s.

We're talking about how a work of art -12 Years A Slave, specifically - is seen by the social group it depicts and directly affects. Trying to pry it out of the social context is disingenuous here.

I think the masculine pronouns were very much a product of the times, unfortunately. It happens a lot even today, but in the era the movie is set in, that behavior towards trans women was fairly universal.

I did read an article earlier this week by a trans woman claiming that she was the consultant for Jared Leto, but I can't finding now amongst all the articles out about him winning. I can't seem to find the winning combo of search terms to get there, either.

If we were all coming from a place of equity, people's opinions would carry equal weight. But we don't - some of us have privilege, and some people are from oppressed groups that have different social experiences and are more qualified to speak out on those experiences. So we listen first to the voices from those

The key to being a good advocate is to listen first to the people an issue directly affects - in this case, people of color are going to have an experience that I don't, and understand detail that I can related to but never experience for myself. So their voices should be the first ones we listen to.

I agree.

Didn't he say "who you are or who you love" though? Not that it makes it any less of a cursory acknowledgement, but...

He has 6 kids, so he probably snapped into dad mode.

The intro is short enough, though, that I would think you'd memorize it, unless they were writing it at the last minute.

I'm not trying to white wash her behavior at all. Her accusations, if untrue (and it seems they are) are abhorrent.