Ten Earth Imps

Do you know that for sure? Has she specifically stated her gender identity to you?

I know it's not an equivalent situation, as I acknowledged in my post - BUT it sets a precedent where we demonize lying online in general. And there are very good reasons for lying online in many many cases, including just to amuse the crap out of yourself.

I agree, the allegation could be damaging to his reputation, and he has a right to pursue a libel claim about that. I'm just wary about the posing as other people online being pulled it the suit as aggravating "proof" of her lack of veracity.

I didn't suggest that her gender identity was under attack. I'm saying going after her for her inconsistent gender presentation online can set a problematic precedent that could later make it difficult for people who are trans or gender queer where their "veracity" is questioned because their online identity doesn't

No, I don't make anything up with my personal details in this particular account Everything I say here under this identity is true.

I thought that the tarring and feathering of James Frey was rather ridiculous, though. He didn't actually HARM anyone with his fictionalized account. He made some stuff up. Oddly, no one is freaked out about Truman Capote having done the exact same sort of thing in In Cold Blood.

I know that, of course - but there is definitely a trend toward demonizing people who have alternate personas online in general. And the fact that she had alternate personas, for whatever reason, doesn't positively correlate to her veracity or lack thereof about him.

Hmmm. Given that I have several alternate identities online - one as a pen name for my writing, and one so I can be out here as a trans person while I work on coming out as such in my personal and professional life, the attempt to discredit her for "posing as a boy" is really disturbing to me. Anonymity and

Those are probably very safe security measures for the US, but I can't imagine that would deter a Saudi male from raping a female passenger, given that women are routinely punished for their own rapes if they were doing something "immodest" - like taking a car ride with a stranger.

I wish she had too! That would have been excellent, and a good "thumb your nose at the fashion snarks" statement.

I was bitten by a dolphin at SeaWorld as a child. They let go right away, and I left with some teeth marks and small puncture wounds. My reaction (then and now) was, "well, they thought my fingers were food I was sharing, so, I guess I'm a dumbass."

I wonder if she had another dress planned initial and this was a last-minute switch that they couldn't tailor in time. That's happened a few times where something doesn't look quite right.

When you look at the other stuff on the red carpet that year, there were some wacky things. And she's never quite gone that far since. I like her explanation for it; she wanted to do something outrageous and crazy and fun, so she went for it. She acknowledged she probably overshot, but she had a good time that night,

Interesting how many "unknowns" there are for the designer, even through the 1970s.


Knife or not, I would have tried to help you. You can walk forward a good distance without being in knife range and social engineer until the guy stops what he's doing.

Several years ago, I witnessed a domestic situation similar to that going on outside from an upstairs window. Man chasing woman, grabbing her and beating her in the street. I ran downstairs and outside, called to her and she ran to me and into the house with him after her at full speed. She turned around and maced him

I apparently don't have the "freeze; you might be in danger" self-preservation gene at all, because I have charged right in there and interfered on a number of occasions, including quite stupid ones. Call 911 first, or make sure some is doing it while you jump in as though you're wearing kevlar underpants.