Ten Earth Imps

Especially since Woody has adopted children - those are also children for whom you pay child support but who don't carry your DNA. So why would Ronan not deserve child support if he, through no fault of his own, happened to be Frank's kid?

Wow. Sounds like they should have given him a different mask or worked with him to adjust his somehow. They make a variety of kinds.

Most insurance companies should cover a sleep study if you tell your doctor about chronic snoring and sleep deprivation. I do get some annoying push-back from my current company about covering all of my CPAP equipment; they like to control what company I buy it from pretty tightly and dole out supplies sparingly. But

Wow, that sucks that you don't have a sleep study option. Maybe read up on sleeping positions? Sleeping on his side might help prevent the oxygen deprivation that could be dangerous to his health, and reduce the snoring, too.

Yes; I have a CPAP machine too - totally changed my sleep. My wife is also much happier; the air sound is like white noise to her. Especially compared to my snoring!

It's not like he can help it, and it's not his nose that's the problem. Snoring is caused by the throat being blocked by the uvula. Making the snorer turn over will help unblock the throat, but it may not. It's probably a good thing to send the person to a sleep study so they can make sure they aren't having an oxygen

Uh, maybe having them go to a sleep study? Snoring is caused by a throat obstruction, which can lead to sleep apnea, where they throat is blocked and the sleeper stops breathing for a time. In that case the best thing to do is get a CPAP or other breathing machine that helps open the airway when the person is asleep.

That is an important point. I don't know if other religious communities took advantage of unwed mothers in that way. I know my aunt was basically "away" for the duration of her pregnancy but came home and went back to school soon after.

I think she eventually decided not to look, but she was torn up about it; specifically about what she would say if she found the child and had to explain who the father was. She only really discussed it because the documentary about the Magdalene Laundries came out, and I was discussing that film online in social

To be "fair" (if that's the right word for it) this also happened with other religious communities. My aunt was pregnant as a teen and was sent to a Presbyterian home for unwed mothers, where she was forced to give the baby up for adoption. Years later, she told the rest of the family that the pregnancy was a


I wonder if we'll hear from other women who went through the same thing but didn't remain Catholic or loyal to the church. I'm hoping that someone will come forward to make some points about how misogynist some of the churches actions were here.

But you're not going to go wrong if you err on the side of assuming that trans folks had some strong affinity for their preferred gender from a very early age, and adjusting your language accordingly if you happened to be talking about their childhood experiences, since there are many, many trans folks who feel the

It can be hard to navigate, I know. In general, if you try to err on the side of being respectful of their current gender presentation and listening to what they say, most trans folks aren't going to be mad. So

I'm just going to say to you what I also replied to DailyLama - Not all of us trans folks are on the same page about terminology, but following the guidelines that croguesberg or trans folks commenting here will definitely keep you out of trouble with pretty much everyone.

Not all of us trans folks are on the same page about terminology, but following the guidelines that croguesberg or trans folks commenting here will definitely keep you out of trouble with pretty much everyone.

I like to point people in the direction of links like this to help make the point about how it's not the responsibility of the oppressed person to educate people who enjoy privilege.

Yes! I've been hoping/wishing an article like this from Kyosuke since the first interview. I knew this would be the best link to share on social media.

I'm going to guess that he stayed in order to MRA troll the course and the professor.

As a few folks are also pointing out, it's not just the "bitchery" word that raises questions, but also "palpable" - in context, it's particularly unfortunate.